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  1. sapphiresilkie7

    Integrating silkies into flock

    Good Morning everyone, I’m just looking for some advice on integrating some silkies. I have 4 satin/silkie hens already and I have 10 straight run chicks that are almost 9 weeks old. Just wondering when I would be able to integrate them into the flock. I last integrated a lone full size silkie...
  2. sapphiresilkie7

    Satin sexing

    This partridge satin is about 8 weeks (not sure on exact age) I know it’s still young, but any sex suggestions on this one? I’m thinking rooster because it sort of looks like wattles are developing but is that too early? Is the comb also a good indicator? Thanks!
  3. sapphiresilkie7

    Egg eater problem from silkies

    They get a 20 percent protein feed and black fly larvae mealworm treats plus random veggies. I actually have oyster shell arriving today so I will start that! Thanks!
  4. sapphiresilkie7

    Egg eater problem from silkies

    They do normally lay in nesting boxes. I noticed I wasn’t getting many eggs this week and just happened to be watching the camera when one was laid in the run, which is odd for them. So with the lack of eggs I’m thinking its been happening all week. Thanks for your reply
  5. sapphiresilkie7

    Egg eater problem from silkies

    So I discovered I have a problem, which is new. Last week I was getting eggs and this week it’s only one a day in the coop. I have four hens (silkies). I was watching my camera and saw one chicken lay an egg in the middle of the run and THREE HENS all went for it and ate it. Is there anyway...
  6. sapphiresilkie7

    Is something wrong? Pictures provided

    At first I thought it was just molting, but does she look too rough to be molting? I just want to make sure nothing is wrong. She’s acting fine otherwise. Other feathers look ok but her face and head look like this. She’s a silkie by the way. Thanks for looking!
  7. sapphiresilkie7

    Did this silkie just morph into a rooster?

    I didn’t literally mean it MORPHED into a rooster. But thanks for your response.
  8. sapphiresilkie7

    Did this silkie just morph into a rooster?

    Hey all…is this a rooster? I thought “Lemon” was a hen until like..this week when the comb just got bigger and redder and he got a bit bigger as well. I got a batch of chicks (all 6.5 months now) and the other three roosters were noticeably roo a long time ago. Lemon isn’t crowing yet and has...
  9. sapphiresilkie7

    Satin Frizzle Hen or Roo?

    Can someone provide insight on why it’s a rooster? I’m also trying to understand what to look for in a frizzle that says rooster. Thanks.
  10. sapphiresilkie7

    Satin Frizzle Hen or Roo?

    Good Morning All! I got a group of satin/silkie chicks about 5 months ago. Of the 5, two are for sure roosters. They look like roosters, and they started fighting. However, I have a satin frizzle which I find very hard to sex. It’s not acting like a rooster, but that doesn’t really mean anything...
  11. sapphiresilkie7

    Added 5 more babies (silkie/satin) to the flock!

    Added 5 more babies to the flock over the weekend! They integrated pretty quickly with my 5 hens (6 months old). They were raised in the coop and free ranging so they took to my coop/yard pretty quick. According to the person I got them from, they’re about 7 weeks old 😁 Anxious to see how many...
  12. sapphiresilkie7

    Are either of these roosters?

    Hey all, are either of these two chickens roosters? They are 6-7 months old. I thought I had all hens but the other day I thought I heard someone practicing a crow so now I’m questioning it. These are the two I question the most, even though the first one(satin)doesn’t look like one in the face...
  13. sapphiresilkie7

    Is this egg fertile?

    Thanks for looking!
  14. sapphiresilkie7

    Is this egg fertile?

    I don’t have any good up close ones at the moment. I can try and snag some later.
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