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  1. E

    Predator injury. Don't need help just sharing

    While you can still get a hold of it without a vet I would recommend getting a big bottle of penicillin and/or oxtetracycline to keep in your fridge even if you don't use it this time. June 12th you're not going to be able to get it anymore without a vet. For a grown 8 lb ish hen 1cc-1.5 per...
  2. E

    Predator injury. Don't need help just sharing

    She laid another egg today but her butt has gotten a lot redder. The photo looks a lot worse than it is but it's still pretty gnarly. Gave her another dose of antibiotic. Should have kept up on it and gave it to her prophylactically and didn't 🤦 If redness hasn't visibly lessened in a day or so...
  3. E

    Predator injury. Don't need help just sharing

    About 1-2 months ago had a mink get into my coop and it ate the butt and guts out of one of my hens. Found her dead. 3 days ago i found another hen injured in the same way, but alive with only some skin missing & bruising. Seems the new rooster put a stop to the little chicken killer's antics...
  4. E

    What can I use to get lungs, etc out?

    A regular ol eating spoon will scrape the lungs right out just fine.
  5. E

    BUYER BEWARE.... RentACoop products

    I purchased a heated 2 liter waterer (with a brass nipple for rabbits) from rent a coop and it was terribly low quality. The main body was a white plastic that was ok and the nipple wasn't bad but the red plastic of the lid,bottom, and heating pad were flimsy like a dollar store toy or milk jug...
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