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  1. Allwelcome2coop

    Please take a look

    Thank you all. That is what I suspected
  2. Allwelcome2coop

    Please take a look

    I 45 minutes ago We picked up 5 “pullets” from tractor supply Hoovers hatchery. The two prairie bluebell eggers do not seam to be pullets. Please let me know your thoughts. They were born April 17?? On or...
  3. Allwelcome2coop

    5+ week old pullet or roo? Breed?

    We have two prairie bluebells from tractor supply that are exactly like willow
  4. Allwelcome2coop

    Are these pullets? Americuana or aracuna?

    Ameraucana look more like our Alice, on the right with purple leg band. Next to her is an olive egged (she does look very similar).
  5. 7649008F-3A3B-4491-8059-7233E9CC5AF8.jpeg


    Skylar and his ladies
  6. 84825CE6-ADDD-4C63-B844-5BD1317E739B.jpeg


  7. AA052C5A-4D9D-4741-92D9-77AF92F7C9FE.jpeg


    He’s special
  8. 85F40469-7655-4CAB-9EA3-F8DC991391F2.jpeg


    There they go visiting
  9. Allwelcome2coop

    my rooster is opening mouth gasping for air so often. Any tips/help?

    I’m such a newbie myself, but it couldn’t hurt to add the electrolyte powder to his water. Maybe it will give him strength to recover.
  10. Allwelcome2coop

    my rooster is opening mouth gasping for air so often. Any tips/help?

    He’s very pretty (handsome) I hope someone here has an idea. When the attack happened, what were his injuries? Maybe an infection is causing heavy breathing. Is it fast? Rapid heart rate? We had to tube feed our rooster recently as he wasn’t eating and lost weight. Vet could not find a reason...
  11. Allwelcome2coop

    Sexing pastel call duck

    Sorry….they are 13 weeks.
  12. Allwelcome2coop

    Sexing pastel call duck

    I am also wondering if anyone can say what sex my two khaki campbells are. I was pretty sure that the larger one with the lighter bill and darker tail was a drake and the other a female.
  13. Allwelcome2coop

    I need some information on raising Nigerian Dwarf Goats!

    We have two Nigerian dwarf goats. Sheldon and Leonard. They hop over every fence we have tried! Still working on that, if anyone has suggestions let me know. They for sure need to have others, and lots of toys, and climbing things. I also have a question for all regarding goats and debudding...
  14. Allwelcome2coop

    Guess the sex

    Thanks you all. We have lost so much this spring, the thought of having a rooster again to look over the hens makes me happy. I’m hoping!!!!
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