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    Overprotective Turkey Hen

    She was purchased as a mate for our male turkey, who was in the enclosure with our chickens. He has since passed away. I’m thinking of getting her previous mate, from the farm where I bought her, and setting them up in their own coop.
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    Overprotective Turkey Hen

    I recently got a Lakenvelder Hen and tried to introduce her to my flock of chickens and one turkey hen overnight. All went well until the next morning. My turkey has a chick she adopted and hatched, and she is insanely protective of this kid. So, she immediately took the new hen as a threat. She...
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    Disappearing chicks... WHERE DO THEY GO?!?!

    I just had the exact same thing happen. My broody hen hatched three healthy babies, and when I went to the coop today, I’m down to one. No sign of them anywhere. It’s so frustrating.
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    Polish Hen Can’t Stand Up

    I’m sorry, I don’t think that would work, I have very limited internet where I live, it would probably take forever to upload. The best way I know to describe it is that she keeps her legs straight out and lays on her side. She bends and kicks her legs to propel herself forward and through the...
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    Fairly New Chicken/Turkey Keeper

    Thanks for the welcome! I’m a huge animal lover. So far, my girls have been keeping us over supplied with eggs! They’re a lot of fun, I love seeing their personalities.
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    Polish Hen Can’t Stand Up

    I’m finishing up the chair this evening, and I started her on B Complex and egg yolk today. I think I’m probably rushing things, I just worry she’s getting restless or that I’m not doing enough. Thank you for the advice, I really do appreciate it. I’m used to cats, dogs, even ducks. This is my...
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    Polish Hen Can’t Stand Up

    She lays on her side in her cage, but she eats and drinks really well. She is very alert and talkative. She also scoots all over her cage, but she still isn’t walking. She just uses her legs to kick herself all over the place. Is this all to be expected? I don’t want to neglect her in any way...
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    Polish Hen Can’t Stand Up

    I’m making the chair this weekend and hopefully she takes to it well. Thank you so much for the advice! I’m hoping it’s a temporary thing also.
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    Polish Hen Can’t Stand Up

    They are being separated permanently. No need for the snark. This was the second time she was pecked on the head. The first was a mild case. Her chicken chair is also in the works. I try my best as a new chicken keeper, but accidents happen, I don’t have an eye on them all the time. I certainly...
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    Polish Hen Can’t Stand Up

    She was running around, like she always does, she’s a high energy hen, when the turkey grabbed her head, according to my brother, who saw part of the incident. This has been an ongoing issue with this turkey and this hen. Something about Laverne’s pouf of feathers gets her attention. She lays...
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    Polish Hen Can’t Stand Up

    I gave her some yolk scrambled. I’ll have to try the B vitamin!
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    Polish Hen Can’t Stand Up

    My Polish Hen, Laverne, was attacked Tuesday night by our turkey hen. I didn’t see the attack, but I found her a few minutes after, lying in her back with her feet in the air. They had pecked her head completely bloody. I took her to the house, wrapped her up, cleaned her wound, gave her...
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    Fairly New Chicken/Turkey Keeper

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We had chickens when I was around 11. I didn’t get them again until now, at 33! They’re strictly for eggs/pet purposes. I originally started with 6 roosters. Not the best for eggs, but I’ve learned to not buy straight run anymore...
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