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    Chick gasping for air

    Had a look can't really see anything
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    Chick gasping for air

    No she does it when I pick her up but not as bad
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    Chick gasping for air

    She was outside I'm in nz she mightev found something
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    Chick gasping for air

    I don't know she does it every time even if she only has a little sip of water
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    Chick gasping for air

    Hey guys my 5week old arucauna is starts gasping for air when she tries to eat or drink something any idea why her crop is also empty here's the vid of here
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    My chicken is paralized please help me

    Might have but she has no feeling in one foot and it's all floppy we don't really have any predators except for cats but cats are scared of our house as they get chased away by chickens or duck I was maybe thinking she got stung by a bee wasp or honne bee
  7. T

    My chicken is paralized please help me

    She's laying eggs had her for about 1 and a half years over night she's now out side in a pen warm and she can hop on 1 leg the other leg is still hanging she laid a eggs this morning and her crop is emptying
  8. T

    My chicken is paralized please help me

    Please help me she was perfectly fine this morning all normall and when I came back from work she was lying down beside this wall and I noticed she didn't move or come up to me for food as the other chickens did so I picked her up and noticed one leg is all floppy and a bit swollen on the foot...
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    My chicken needs help asap

    and i forgot to add shes stopped laying for about a week now
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    My chicken needs help asap

    no the chook chow is designed for adults and i will do that thank you again
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    My chicken needs help asap

    she normally eats chook chow the one in the picture but right now shes not eatting allot like 2 peicies of corn but i will try that she did eat a bit of egg thank you for helping me
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    My chicken needs help asap

    she wont really eat anythin right now but i will try and force feed her somthing
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    My chicken needs help asap

    no i have selinium tablets with vitamins
  14. T

    My chicken needs help asap

    Hi guys my silkie chicken is not eating much only a few grains and a bit of water in her tummy her crop is emptying she's very lethargic sometimes closing her eyes I have her inside right now in a box I've noticed she did have a few fleas I have treated her for that with smite. her poo is listed...
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