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  1. movick

    Are Ayam Cemani Chickens Still in Demand?

    I think Sumatra chicken or Ayam pelung is more valuable. But you have to try it in your area, it is possible that Ayam cemani will be in demand in your area.
  2. movick

    Sumatra Thread!

    @Florida Bullfrog Sumatra chicken
  3. movick

    Rare Ringneck Dove Colours and Patterns

    Grizzle + crested :D
  4. movick

    Rare Ringneck Dove Colours and Patterns

    I wonder how the combination of PIED (recessive) and GRIZZLE (dominant) fits. I really love Grizzle in the photo (source). This is a dominant mutation that ensures that even wildly colored birds look pleasantly exotic. If I ever manage to get a Grizzle individual, I will definitely focus on...
  5. movick

    Dong Tao – A Rare Breed of Chicken in Vietnam

    Why are the photos not visible? can't it be solved somehow?
  6. movick

    Chickens and Dinosaurs

    Mini T-rex (Dong tao):p The Dong Tao is a self-sufficient active breed. Roosters are very temperamental and hens are excellent mothers.
  7. movick

    Japanese rice fish (Oryzias latipes)

    Super informative, always helpful. Mailing eggs, how to feed, how to hibernate, breeding new colors...
  8. movick

    ID help

    Yes, German Beauty Homer:thumbsup:thumbsup
  9. movick

    Eurasian collared dove 'crested'

    Not sure if crested, but according tail, both are ECDs.
  10. movick

    Rare Ringneck Dove Colours and Patterns

    Yes, maybe this is the way. We're just a few hundred years behind pigeons:D But it can be seen that with controlled selection it is possible to achieve results relatively quickly.
  11. movick

    Miniature ringneck dove

    That the origin would be here? Offsping is 100% fertile - Both sexes.
  12. movick

    Rare Ringneck Dove Colours and Patterns

    I came across an interesting discussion about Pied RND - breeding project. ( This mutation appears to allow selection and anchoring of a particular pattern. Similar to when hundreds of years ago different patterns gradually emerged in pigeons...
  13. movick

    Tea Drinkers?

    The Sweetleaf raspberry (Rubus chingi suavissimus) leaf can also be used instead of stevia - it is a raspberry/blackberry that has been used for centuries in Southeast China to make the delicious medicinal drink "Sweet tea Tian-cha". The leaves contain a substance that is approximately 200 times...
  14. movick

    Roman Nettle and Siberian Hemp-Nettle

    Siberian hemp nettle (Urtica cannabina) is part of traditional Uyghur medicine. According to the photos, it is a nettle with a pleasantly exotic appearance, it is said to be not as stinging as the common nettle (U. dioica). "In the past, hemp nettle was cultivated for its fiber, the extract...
  15. movick

    Eurasian collared dove 'crested'

    I came across a mention of a 'crested' Eurasian collared dove (S. decaocto) in nature. It is said that crested ringneck doves escaped from captivity in their area in the past. Now there are 'crested' ECDs. This recessive trait is likely to be in the population forever, as is the case with...
  16. movick

    Japanese rice fish (Oryzias latipes)

    Basics of color inheritance in Oryzias latipes:
  17. movick

    Japanese rice fish (Oryzias latipes)

    I found two more pure wild populations bred among aquarists. 1) 2)
  18. movick

    Japanese rice fish (Oryzias latipes)

    In Japan, the pure wild form is beginning to be threatened by technical development, agricultural modernization and by being pushed out by the highly aggressive invasive Gambusia, which attacks adults, eats young Oryzias latipes and, being more voracious, reduces the amount of food consumed by...
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