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  1. J

    Moving 7 weekers outside, temps took a dive

    It went fine! Got down to 26 last night, and they were all bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning when I let them out! I didn't have any heat source to move outdoors with them, so I waited til they were 7 weeks.
  2. J

    Moving 7 weekers outside, temps took a dive

    Well, tomorrow is the day! They've been in the garage with no heat for the past two days (lows of 28 outside). I've got their coop ready to go. Praying it goes well! Temps attached in case y'all see a reason for me to hold off!
  3. J

    Moving 7 weekers outside, temps took a dive

    I certainly trust what most folks on here say, and I appreciate your input! I think in my mind I know they'll be ok, but I always get nervous moving them, regardless of the circumstances.
  4. J

    Moving 7 weekers outside, temps took a dive

    I've been turning it off during the day, and only on on cold nights. I'll remove all heat starting tonight! Thanks!!
  5. J

    Moving 7 weekers outside, temps took a dive

    Hey there! I've got 25 7 week older feather footed ladies in a large brooder in the garage. Most are fully feathered. My plan was to move them to their outdoor coop/pen this week, but our night temps will be down into the upper 20's. My plan was to keep them confined to the coop/small run for a...
  6. J

    Expiratory small wheeze

    Went to check on the chickens this morning, and luckily, Pecky Becky seems to be back to 100%. No wheezing, eating and drinking fine, and pecking at me and all the other chickens. I'm going to keep an eye on her the next few days, but for now I'm chalking it up to her getting really...
  7. J

    I cant tell what’s happening with my hen

    Research gape worm. It sounds like it may be that and you'll need to deworm your flock.
  8. J


    Not an expert but I think you're doing all you can. Do you see any visible bleeding/wounds?
  9. J

    Expiratory small wheeze

    Have a 20 week old Wyandotte who I noticed today is have wheezing on exhale. No other symptoms. Eating and drinking well. Held her and didn't note any gurgling/fluid in her lungs. She occasionally "squeaks" and shakes her head. I did notice it shortly after I let them out into our yard, which...
  10. J

    Got our shipment of 25 today!

    Just an update! All 27 are still happy and healthy, coming up on 4 weeks old. So far this has been our most successful batch of chicks, and the only one we didn't get locally. Definitely happy with McMurray.
  11. J

    Integrating question

    That's awesome! Are they fully feathered? I'm in NC, and as early as it is, am hesitant to move them out until they have all their feathers.
  12. J

    Integrating question

    Mine don't currently free range, but I might start letting them out into the backyard when the dogs are up. That will open up a half acre or so to them. As enclosed runs and coops, I'll have two coops, the one smaller tsc (can house 6 big birds comfortably) and then our large homemade coop that...
  13. J

    Integrating question

    Hey gang! I'll get to the point. I have 15 feather legged females from McMurray in the brooder, 2 weeks of age. All are doing well. Anyway, I have 7 birds currently outside in the coop, all are right at 22 weeks old. 2 Cemani cockerels, and 5 hens of various breeds. So far the 7 outdoor birds...
  14. J

    Question about McMurray "shipping week of"

    Ordered 25, got 27. They are a week old today and all doing really well!
  15. J

    Got our shipment of 25 today!

    Did you let McMurray know?
  16. J

    Got our shipment of 25 today!

    Update: well, I counted wrong! They gave us 26 feather footed females PLUS a "surprise chick" who looks to be a Wyandotte of sorts. Had some pasty butt today, so everyone got cleaned up. All chicks are still active and look great! As an aside, McMurray messaged me back on instagram and asked how...
  17. J

    Got our shipment of 25 today!

    Hahaha hey, it was handy, and who knows, maybe they want to sponsor a chicken or two? 😂
  18. J

    First hatch of the year from McMurray

    I'll get a better pic asap!! 😂
  19. J

    Got our shipment of 25 today!

    I didn't realize there was a thread like that! Mods feel free to delete this on if needed!
  20. J

    Got our shipment of 25 today!

    Received my 25 feather footed females from mcmurray's first hatch of the year today. They shipped Monday, the 23rd and I picked up at post office about 7am this morning the 25th. This is my first experience with ordering/shipping chicks. Anyway, I'm happy to report that all 26 chicks (they...
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