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  1. K


    Thanks. I haven't heard of that. Dixie and Louise both had similar symptoms, about a month apart. They went down and couldn't walk. Both were dead within 30 minutes of me finding them and were acting normal earlier in the day. I am sad to lose 2 good laying hens but I don't think I could have...
  2. K


    We have a tractor but it is away from their coop. They are never around it.
  3. K


    I just buried another hen today. I went out to check the flock again after letting them free range before supper. Dixie was fine, free ranging and dust bathing with the other girls. I did not see her get into anything that would be bad for her. She stayed close to the coop. When I checked on...
  4. K

    Dead hen

    South Carolina. I have already buried her. I now know that Clemson Extension is the resource to contact in the future. Thanks for the kind words. She was a special girl and a true lap chicken.
  5. K

    Dead hen

    I did try to check for mites/lice. Didn't see anything moving on her or in the coop. I did do a complete clean today. Removed all bedding and scrubbed down nesting boxes, floor, and roosting bars with vinegar mixed with hot water. Made sure to dry everything before throwing down some PDZ and...
  6. K

    Dead hen

    I had part of my dynamic duo Thelma and Louise pass away yesterday. Louise was fine yesterday morning and mid-day. We let them out to free range later in the day and I noticed that she was just laying there, not moving much. She was mouth breathing and her comb and wattles were pale pink. She...
  7. K

    Possible spraddle leg?

    I doesn't look that severe but she would favor one leg and splay the other. I have b vitamin complex liquid that I can give her. It is for humans. I also made a vet wrap hobble for her last night. She is standing on both legs now. She was not a fan at first but seems to be comfortable enough...
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    Chick name ideas!

    Awww...she sounds like a sweetheart.
  9. K

    Chick name ideas!

    My Dixie is a Columbian Wyandotte. She is the ring leader of the trouble makers😂. At a whopping 6 days old she has lots of personality.
  10. K

    Chick name ideas!

    We have Gemma, Opal, Pearl, Amelia Egghart, Bonnie, Clarabelle, Daisy, Ethel, Dixie, Lucille, Ruby (RIP), Thelma, Louise, Ginger, Blanche. Tyrannosaurus Pecks (T pecks) and Count Cluckula for roosters. I like old-fashioned names for my girls 🤷‍♀️.
  11. K

    Possible spraddle leg?

    I have a batch of chicks that hatched Monday. They arrived on Tuesday. I lost my Welsummer chick and I am worried about my little cream legbar. She is so tiny. She seems to have a good appetite. She will eat and drink but likes to stay under the brooder plate. I have noticed that she seems sort...
  12. K

    New member

    I am loving it!
  13. K

    Weak chick

    It is! I am a crier, always will be.
  14. K

    Weak chick

    Thank you! I will be okay. It's just sad.
  15. K

    Weak chick

    Thanks! I had a momentary breakdown. It is just hard to lose them. I get attached easily and these feathered friends bring a lot of joy to my life. I should be used to it as a former vet tech but it never gets any easier, especially when they are yours.
  16. K

    Weak chick

    I lost her shortly after this post. I believe that I tried everything that I could. I couldn't get her to eat or drink anything. She was very lethargic and wouldn't stand up. I tried to manipulate her crop to see if she had a blockage. I didn't want to force water and have her aspirate. So far...
  17. K

    New member

    Hey! My name is Kristen and I am from South Carolina. I am new to the site. I have some experience with chickens but haven't had any in a long while. I now have a small flock. Four that are 5 1/2 months old (Buff Orpingtons, Blue Ameraucanas) and 12 that arrived from the hatchery on Tuesday. The...
  18. K

    Weak chick

    I have a chick that I am very concerned about. They hatched on Monday and arrived on Tuesday. She is a Welsummer and was one of my more active chicks until today. She had Grogel Plus after they arrived and Vital plus water supplement on day one to present. I have them on medicated feed. I have...
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