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  1. W

    Chick sexing project

    Great! Thank you so much!
  2. W

    Chick sexing project

    they're so lovely that I forgot taking pic for them. And you're so knowlegeable. Thank you so much!
  3. W

    Chick sexing project

    Thank you so much!
  4. W

    Chick sexing project

    5 years old hen but don't know what's kind of?
  5. W

    Chick sexing project

    how about this one? 4.5 monthes pullet
  6. W

    Chick sexing project

    I don't know what's kind of chick of it. Just know it's 4.5 month. next month will be lay egg. Is it correct?
  7. W

    Chick sexing project

    it was told as a under 1 year old and old english pullet but I heard it crowed once as a rooster.
  8. W

    Chick sexing project

    I went to faraway to buy it. was told it's Russian orloff rooster but it's never crowing. So I'm not sure it's a rooster or capon. But it tried to ride a hen. is it two years old?
  9. W

    Chick sexing project

    By the way, the chicken in the lower left corner of the second photo is a ruthless character. She came later, but she was the queen of five and everyone followed her orders. She doesn't even allow the black chicken(they came together) and the first come CCLB to eat. She and another buff and...
  10. W

    Chick sexing project

    I have another four chicken but they couldn't let me take pix for them together. A neighboor gave me free. 5 years old. they said all hens and laying green or blue eggs.Please excuse the blurriness of the photo. Thank you all for your help.
  11. W

    Chick sexing project

    Thanks so much
  12. W

    Chick sexing project

    Thank you so much
  13. W

    Chick sexing project

    those two chicks were bought from farm and farmer lady told me they're pullets but I don't know how old they are and girls or boys?
  14. W

    Chick sexing project

    my neighboor gave to me this one and told me that's a laying hen , every two weeks laying one egg but it never do it since it came here one month ago. another neighboor told me it's a rooster. but it never crowing . So pls help me check it's girl or boy. 4 years old.
  15. W

    Terrified to free range

    noway three chicken was missed at night time just left a few feathers. So so so terrible!
  16. W

    Comment by 'windgirl' in article 'Red Tailed Hawk - Chicken Predators - How To Protect Your Chickens From Hawks'

    I lost my chicken two days ago. I'm so sad and don't know who kill it. just saw lots feather on the ground without nothing.
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