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    Pullet or Roo?

    He is going to be lovely!
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    Pullet or Cockerel?

    I agree with the consensus: Both look like roos to me. But after getting 15 Ameracaunas in a straight run, it is tough! Mine are now 6 months old, and it looks like one I thought for sure was a hen is turning into a roo. They can all mature at different rates, even though they were born on the...
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    Show me pictures of your mixed breeds

    Wait until you get a couple of visiting peacocks on your roof! It sounds like a dog!
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    Show me pictures of your mixed breeds

    She is so different looking! Isn't it amazing what we can come up with when breeding! I just think it's amazing and beautiful!
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    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    What happened with the experiment??
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    Raccoons, rats, and capsaicin

    Those traps work remarkably well!! My friend who had a severe rat problem got about 70 using a bucket. Rat problem was nil for a few years, then they slowly came back!
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    Red poop

    David, these look okay to me, much like my chickens' poop when I give them pomegranate. Do your chickens look sick or act differently? This is the time you may want to get your poop tested if they look sick. But to me, that poop looks okay. You would see a sign of sickness if they had cocci. It...
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    Attaching hardware cloth to run. Inside or outside?

    It's a little late for me, but thank you for the advice with the staples. Are pneumatically driven ones with a compressor? I just know that my original stapler that was 50 years old was doing a fine job, until it broke midway through. I bought at least 8 different staplers, and the same amount...
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    Breed guess game!

    He sure is beautiful!!!
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    Apple cider vinegar for Chicks?

    I too don't really believe all the apple cider vinegar myths. I have been using it in dog's food for months, but see no benefit whatsoever. I don't think it benefits anyone but maybe humans, and that is the placebo effect.
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    Do you Clean out poop from the run?

    I clean my out twice a day. I was trained early on by my parents when we had horses. I even go through the shavings on a daily basis and hand pick (for the most part!) out the poop! My dad had a thing about picking up horses poop, even the ones in the pastures, so I am used to it. In the run, I...
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    What did you do with your flock today?

    I should transfer my pics from my phone to my computer, but lately I haven't had the time! Today I had to investigate, as one of my 4-month-olds has diarrhea. I picked up each one, checked their tailfeathers/rear and on the last one got my answer all over me!
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    Hello everyone

    Hello, BigMex1!! Welcome to the family! Sounds like you have quite the brood there!
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    First Death

    I am so sorry for the loss of Loki! Geez, that is terrible! I put a cover over my coop, but mine also go out. But since I have a hawk family a few houses down (I just learned!) they will not be going out unless they are covered by my Copper Maran and my Kangal (Anatolian Shepherd) or me!
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    Ameraucana Chicks— Color Guesses

    I'm sure you have figured out what color everyone is by now. Yours were not whites, as white Ameraucanas are yellow when young. Please let us know what you got! And if you can, include some photos. I am so curious!
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    Ameraucana temperament

    I have 15 Ameraucanas and most of mine are extremely tame. I have whites, which love to get in my lap to get snuggles and petting. After the whites, the blacks are mostly tame, some also enjoy getting in my lap for petting and neck rubs. The lavenders are a bit more challenging, as they are more...
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    Sex link question

    Thank you Sour Roses, for responding appropriately!! I am rather tired of seeing Ameraucanas being called Easter Eggers, which is not true, from everything I have studied and read. Maybe some should read John Blehm's book!
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    Breed guess game!

    I have a wild guess: Blue Plymouth Rock and Red Sex Link? Please let me know if I got one right!!
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