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  1. mnms611416


    Picture of the tiny white egg lol. My bantam eggs are larger but I am just thankful the feel safe enough to lay now. They sure are some sweet little hens😊❤️
  2. mnms611416


    Update: Got our first egg today and sadly instead of being blue it was a white egg lol. These azure's are leghorn mixes so I guess just as with Easter eggers and olive egger mixes they don't always lay blue/olive green. Since it has a white egg gene I guess it was dominant. Maybe the other one...
  3. mnms611416


    My husband just left tractor supply. All they had in stock was probiotic packets. He asked the lady about rooster booster, nutri drench and kickin' chicken vitamin supplement and she checked the truck log and they won't be getting in a shipment of those anytime soon. I guess I'll order something...
  4. mnms611416


    Well what vitamin supplements do you recommend then?
  5. mnms611416


    I was asking only about the two new hens that I got that I have quarantining right now. Not my other ones. I know some people supplement during molt and that's why I asked for a good supplement lol. Because I didn't know which one would be the best.
  6. mnms611416


    I was asking for extra supplements since they may be coming into a molt. I'll just deal I guess and let it run its course
  7. mnms611416


    It's 20 percent protein and very well made. All my hens lay an egg nearly daily. I love our local mill.
  8. mnms611416


    Yes we feed all of our hens quality feed from a local mill. They also get crushed eggshells, soldier fly larvae and many other things such as cabbage, lettuce, blackberries blueberries, grapes and raisins as well as free ranging a few hours a day. That's what I was kinda asking about in my post...
  9. mnms611416


    Someone local to me was selling azur blue chickens at 14 months of age that they rescued from going to slaughter. Well I got these two girls home and their combs were pale but they looked clean and healthy overall. Their combs and wattles are starting to gain more color now at least, but today I...
  10. mnms611416

    So excited to finally introduce these sweet girls!

    Thank you all so much for your sweet replies! I haven't had a chance to reply until today, sorry for the late response. Things are moving along in that area. We really are only having problems with my black Asian chicken (who is the top of the pecking order under our rooster) and surprisingly...
  11. mnms611416

    Lazy Black Australorps!!!

    I got my two black Australorps back in April of Last year and they didn't start laying until November. They were the last of my original flock to start laying. They also only lay 4 days a week. I know Australorps hold a record for most eggs laid, but mine definitely didn't get that memo lol. I...
  12. mnms611416

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    My California tan rooster Kelly being a camera hog 😂💙
  13. mnms611416

    New with a flock of six!

    I'm not the original poster but here is a picture of my California tan Kelly who is 10 months old😊
  14. mnms611416

    Olive Egger with a mohawk?

    I found this post and I know it's old but I have a chicken that looks just like this one. She was labeled as an Oliver egger pullet, mixed with welsummer and crested cream legbar. She is a beautiful sweet petite and docile chicken. The only thing is she ended up not laying the Oliver eggs we...
  15. mnms611416

    Looking for info or possible review of a carport and to see if any of you have done this before.

    How did you attach your roof to the poles? We have bought the frame and now looking at ways to add the roof to it bc we don't want to just use the tarp that came with it or the netting. Thank you!
  16. mnms611416

    So excited to finally introduce these sweet girls!

    We will have these two sweet girls a month on Sunday and we will finally be able to see introduce them into the rest of our flock! Quarantine is over! Yay! We have no clue what they are, we just know they are beautiful and have both laid a beautiful off white colored egg every day for nearly...
  17. mnms611416


    I've had cats my whole life. Every stray in the neighborhood somehow has always ended up at my door lol. Here is my 5 year old Male Tabby Dean "Little Cat" (thanks to my son when he was smaller. He is infact not little, more like big cat lol), 2 year old Ella (the cat on the couch) and 2 year...
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