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  1. Rurumo

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    This is not the place for this discussion, but I hate to see conspiracy theories thrown out there as "common knowledge". Masks absolutely reduce viral transmission, especially the correct masks. It's honestly sad that this misinformation is still being spread, when such a VAST amount research...
  2. Rurumo

    Flock of 17, EE only one laying weak eggs

    It sounds like you are feeding them quite well, and that one hen is probably favoring treats over the layer feed. The spices are great for them, I'd keep feeding those and simply reduce the % of their diets that are treats. You actually might not need to do anything more than single that hen...
  3. Rurumo


    People do it all the time, but I would just suggest to take into account things like-major storms coming (higher chance of power outages), how secure/trustworthy your lap and cord/plug are, etc. Lots of things that can go wrong and they are 100% reliant on that lamp staying on when they are...
  4. Rurumo

    Asking input on quick buy fix for a coop addition

    Nothing premade is really what you are looking for in that price range. The Premade run that is decent quality is the TSC Producer's Pride one, but I think it's 8x8 and costs closer to $1k-maybe 8 or 900. Another option would be to put together a cattle panel coop and connect it to what you...
  5. Rurumo

    Ordering spring much fun. What did you get?

    Using a brooder plate and establishing a day/night cycle makes a world of difference from the red lamp in getting them to sleep.
  6. Rurumo

    Companion plants for potatoes?

    Calendula is another great flower along with the marigolds-I have started seeds for both now and they are among the easiest seeds to germinate and plants to grow. Most culinary and medicinal herbs are good companion plants because they are so high in essential oils that few pests will bother them.
  7. Rurumo

    Easiest Plant To Grow

    Kale is one of the easiest greens to grow during cool weather, and potentially over winter with protection. Big seeds, easy to plant, easy to save seed too. Jerusalem Artichokes are an easy perennial root crop that's great for chickens too-just plant a few bulbs and you'll have a patch of it...
  8. Rurumo

    Androlis Chicken Mite Predators

    Unfortunately not that I've found. I've been meaning to contact Nature's Good Guys to see if they have any interest in adding them to their product list. Predatory mites do work, but they work better for prevention than treatment if the infestation is too heavy. With plants that are badly...
  9. Rurumo

    Mites! Everywhere!

    Chicken mites/lice don't live on people or dogs, but if you have a bad enough infestation they are probably hitching rides on you and your dogs. Permethrin resistance is a growing problem in some areas, you might just have bad luck with regards to it. I would give sulfur a try-there is no...
  10. Rurumo

    Hardware Cloth Vs. Chicken Wire

    CW is basically the same gauge as HC, the key difference being that HC is welded- just compare cloth to CW and look at the individual holes. Chicken wire is just sort of twisted together. Certain animals can easily open up a hole in chicken wire without even breaking it. I've seen a burly...
  11. Rurumo

    Brinsea ecoglow safety 1200

    I've seen a lot of people who think the Brinsea models "feel" too cool, and that the rent-a-coop models are "dangerously hot", so there really is a wide range of feelings out there. I can't tell you if your plate is normal or not, but most likely it's working just fine. You will just need to...
  12. Rurumo

    Brooder light

    No, don't use those mercury vapor UV reptile lights, it's not good for their eyes and they already get Vit D from their feed. You need to be careful with them even with reptiles due to how much UV they put out, if you keep them too close they can develop eye problems. Go with the red light or...
  13. Rurumo

    Selling chickens

    I say go for it, no harm in trying. I wouldn't be surprised if you found some takers, but it probably depends most on where you live, local population size, etc.
  14. Rurumo

    Edit: Urgent - Marek's or Injury?

    Good luck with your poor guy-I like his face a lot! My big boys/girls used to hurt themselves more as they get older by flopping down from their favorite high roost, so you might just consider your roost placement in the future, hopefully for when he heals up. One of my favorites was terribly...
  15. Rurumo

    Can't get rid mites and lice

    Another low risk option
  16. Rurumo

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    A few pages back there was a good discussion about reusing litter and the immune benefits (or something) and I thought you guys might be interested in this study. They looked at spraying bacillus probiotics on used poultry...
  17. Rurumo

    Baby to set up

    You can start with a nice thick layer of paper towels and you can even tape them in place if they are slipping around too much. Sometimes I'll cut a piece of cardboard out to lay down first, depending on the floor, then put paper towels on top. After a week or so, you can switch from paper...
  18. Rurumo

    Ordering spring much fun. What did you get?

    Lots of cute babies in this thread! I will pick mine up in almost one month exactly, the time is actually flying by.
  19. Rurumo

    Latch help and gap around door

    I would overlap a stiffer gauge of wire than hardware cloth, like 1x2 12 gauge wire-to give it enough stiffness to work for this. You could then cover the overlapped wire with hardware cloth. This overlapped wire would be attached to the door, just to be clear, so that when you close the door...
  20. Rurumo

    Coop interior flooring

    I'm going over all my options to protect a shed/coop floor as much as possible. I'm staying from any of the "rubberized" options simply due to the fact they are well known to leach toxins and heavy metals. I'm really not satisfied with any of the alternatives I've come up with. I'm tempted to...
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