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  1. Heirloom Grown

    Thoughts on organic chicken feed. What is your opinion?

    Thank you all for the information. It makes since that these heritage breeds have been bred just like the production breeds for high production. Some day I would like to buy my chickens from Sandhill preservation in IA. I believe he tends and breeds his chickens not for production and egg...
  2. Heirloom Grown

    When should i move my chicks outside ?

    When you chicks are fully feathered then they are able to regulate their own body temperature. This usually happens around eight weeks of age although this will sometimes differ depending on the breed 6-10 weeks is a good rule of thumb. If your night time temps are above 50°F at night and they...
  3. Heirloom Grown

    Thoughts on organic chicken feed. What is your opinion?

    Interesting comment at the end. You said that these are not grandma’s chickens anymore. I totally understand that production breeds need higher nutrition for their high level of egg output, but what about heritage breeds. What about the breeds that grandma was raising! They lay less eggs but...
  4. Heirloom Grown

    New Member!

    Welcome to BYC. I have had chickens in town. I am going to tell you now so you aren’t surprised. Neighbors are not going to like roosters. Other than that I have not had many problem with chickens as long as they stay in the coop. Oh and have fun and get ready for fresh eggs.:wee
  5. Heirloom Grown

    What kind of Wyandotte?

    Yep those are golden laced. Here is a pic of mine when they were chicks. I really like my golden laced Wyandottes. Just in case you are curious this is what mine look like full grown.
  6. Heirloom Grown

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Yay! My first three egg day this year.
  7. Heirloom Grown

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Going to get 6 inches of snow tonight. But yesterday I saw this. It’s my Egyptian Walking Onions. Planted in the fall can’t wait to finally get some onions.
  8. Heirloom Grown

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Welcome to the thread I am sure you will enjoy it here. Yes I wait till the cotyledons are gone. When those first leaves show on my tomatoes I snip out the weaker ones. Today I got a picture of my tomatoes sprouting. I save most of my tomatoes and seeing them sprout let’s me know I did...
  9. Heirloom Grown

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Yes endcap pieces and gutter are not very sturdy. I used clear silicon on all the panels to hold it together and seal out the cold. Helps tremendously!! I was also upset with it not holding heat. I use a 5,000 kw heater in my greenhouse and it works great. I simply set the dial to keep it at or...
  10. Heirloom Grown

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I just realized we have the same greenhouse!! How long have you had yours? I got mine last year. This will be the second seed starting season I love it. I live up in the north and have always wanted to see the Aurora Borialis but have yet to.
  11. Heirloom Grown

    Thoughts on organic chicken feed. What is your opinion?

    I agree but can’t justify the cost. Could you please let me know the organic feed that you buy. Thanks
  12. Heirloom Grown

    Hi! Im new :)

    Hello and welcome. :frow
  13. Heirloom Grown

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Who else gathers snow and lets it melt. Then uses it for a soft fertilizer? Learned this trick last year. I now have a barrel next to the coop and when it snows I scoop the snow into the barrel. ❄️
  14. Heirloom Grown

    What did you do in the garden today?

    So glad to hear you are going to get chickens. I love my little flock of 7 and I do not think you will ever regret it. Especially with egg prices :eek:
  15. Heirloom Grown

    New Member

    Thank you everyone!
  16. Heirloom Grown

    What did you do in the garden today?

    New here, I started getting seed starting supplies ready. I live in zone 5. Always plant my seeds way to early:oops: trying to control my impulse to plant.
  17. Heirloom Grown

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    1 still waiting for spring laying.
  18. Heirloom Grown

    Chicken keeper who also loves to garden. You can find my blog at

    Chicken keeper who also loves to garden. You can find my blog at
  19. Heirloom Grown

    New Member

    Hello chicken keepers, I just signed up for BYC. I have a small flock of 7 chickens in my backyard located in the Great Lakes region. I love to talk all things chickens and gardening. I have been raising chickens just over half a decade. My flock consists of 1 Plymouth Rock, 1 Buff Orpington...
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