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  1. MaryJake

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    I scoop out poop daily from the tray under the roost. But I clean out the entire coop twice a year. It works for me so far.
  2. MaryJake

    Howdy yall!

    Hi everyone, I've had my chicks for about 4 months now... they're still growing fast and I'm learning more about them every day. Looking forward to being a part of this community and growing in my chicken knowledge. New happening, yesterday we moved them from their garage chicken tractor to...
  3. MaryJake

    Anyone and everyone, please help me!!

    Maybe B vitamins... but it sounds like you need to get her on a non-gmo formulated feed from your feed store. How long have you been giving your own feed and how do your other chickens do on it? For now, give scrambled eggs if she will take them. Also Vit B for perhaps a neuro disease. You may...
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