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  1. C

    Help me ID the breeds of my babies, please!

    This is my broody hen, Tiffany! 🤍 She is the OG of our flock! The first, oldest, and everyone’s mama (bio or adopted)! She’s also my favorite. She is a total cuddler and LOVES getting attention (when she’s not broody lol)!
  2. C

    Help me ID the breeds of my babies, please!

    Hi! So, I’m still relatively new to BYC. My broody is on her second clutch, and I have successfully raised the 1 surviving chick from her 1st clutch with 5 out of the 6 chicks that I bought from tractor supply to keep the one chick company. But, now I’m curious as to what breeds they all are...
  3. C

    How many full-sized/large eggs can my bantam hen adopt & successfully brood/hatch? She wants to be a mama BAD!

    Hey, friends! Happy Friday! I’m back again with yet another question for you fine folks! Warning you now, this is a little long because I am a rambler. Sorry! 😅 My only current adult hen, Tiffany, who is a bantam, went broody again. She lost her mate (very old, odd looking, mean silkie roo)...
  4. C

    Show me your DIY Chicken Coops/Runs/Etc. (Please!)

    We live in the north central area of NC. We are about an hour south of the VA border/hour north of Raleigh. I’m sure there is a thread somewhere on here! There’s a thread for just about everything! I know there’s a thread called “where am I? Where are you!” and maybe you could locate your area...
  5. C

    Show me your DIY Chicken Coops/Runs/Etc. (Please!)

    I love the progress you’ve made with your coop! It looks nice and cozy. I bet your flock loves it! I currently have 7 chicks and a bantam hen. I had a silkie roo, but one afternoon he didn’t come home to roost (they free-range our yard which is fenced in). I searched the cow pasture, the...
  6. C

    Show me your DIY Chicken Coops/Runs/Etc. (Please!)

    Thank you all for sharing your builds with me!! I went on a bit of a hiatus from BYC due to an ongoing family emergency. But chicken raising and loving never stops. Logging back in and seeing what you guys have built made me decide that I would go ahead and begin building our coop. What better...
  7. C

    Show me your DIY Chicken Coops/Runs/Etc. (Please!)

    Also, please include photos of the inside and any cool little features you find useful if you’d like! ☺️
  8. C

    Show me your DIY Chicken Coops/Runs/Etc. (Please!)

    We are beginning construction of a better/larger/more quality coop for our flock and would love to see what you fine folks have built so we may pull ideas from your builds, if we may! Show off your work, please! Tell me why you built it the way you did, if it’s predator proof, what material was...
  9. C

    Hen attacking me over TSC chicks—

    Thank you, thats a good notice. I was down on one knee when she first got ill with me. But I was standing when she went at my face. That’s honestly the only EXTREMELY broody behavior I’ve seen out of her since a few days after the 27th (hatch day). She had never acted towards me in that way...
  10. C

    Hen attacking me over TSC chicks—

    I didn’t try returning the chicks to her. After watching 6 of her clutch of 7 die on hatch day, it concerned me. So I kept the one survivor inside the brooder where she has remained with her 6 adopted siblings. I don’t want to risk losing anymore, but I also don’t want the super broody behavior...
  11. C

    Hen attacking me over TSC chicks—

    Also, I’m sure I’ll get disciplined for my reflex to defend myself. What should I do next time she decides to attack me? I can only be gentle up to a certain point. But when she flies at my face talons out I can only be so careful. She’s not hurt, she’s fine. Just highly emotional and very mad...
  12. C

    Hen attacking me over TSC chicks—

    My hen, Tiffany, went broody beginning of last month. Lost all but one chick, “Lucky”, on hatch day. I took Lucky away and kept her inside her in the brooder to keep her alive in case Tiffany was killing them or something. Chick was lonely, started imprinting on me on day 1 and freaked out...
  13. C

    Why is my broody (or previously broody) hen following me?

    That definitely makes sense. She needs friends! Every morning when I come outside to smoke and have coffee after getting my son on the bus, she starts talking and calling for me then runs up to me and starts pecking at me until I throw treats out or give her pets. I love it lol. The love, that...
  14. C

    Why is my broody (or previously broody) hen following me?

    Sorry, guys! I was away for a few days! Tiffany is the only adult hen at this time. Her & Asshole wandered into my yard a while back and just stayed, so I built them a coop and have been caring for them since as there are no other chicken people anywhere near me that I know of. She went broody...
  15. C

    Why is my broody (or previously broody) hen following me?

    My hen, Tiffany, who I had a very close bond with prior to her becoming broody, is now following me around my yard. She still pecks me when I try to pet her, but she’s following me everywhere. She recently had a clutch of 7 eggs from which I only 1 chick survived hatching. I pulled this chick...
  16. C

    Only 1 chick survived the hatch. Started with 9. 7 were alive day 21 (yesterday). All but 1 does. What in the world happened? I seriously might cry.

    I do have a good setup in the brooder, yes. I have the thermometer in there and it is 95 +/- with a fluctuation of 2 degrees +/- at times. But the chick has plenty of room to cool off if need be, as well as consistent access to food and water. Should I be giving him electrolytes and probiotics...
  17. C

    mid hatch death? 3 hatched, 4 stopped progressing. What’s going on?

    All of the eggs are definitely dead… one had its foot over its wing and was malpositioned I think is the proper term. The other two died before even internally pipping. Yolk sacs were mostly absorbed for two chicks (less than 1/6 left), but the other one had about 1/2 left. All were fully...
  18. C

    mid hatch death? 3 hatched, 4 stopped progressing. What’s going on?

    All of the chicks except for one of the hatchlings died. The second to pip was the only one to survive. I’ve no idea what happened, but I have pulled the one chick from the broody and put him in a brooder for keep him safe and warm. I worry about him being lonely, though. I intend to go to...
  19. C

    Only 1 chick survived the hatch. Started with 9. 7 were alive day 21 (yesterday). All but 1 does. What in the world happened? I seriously might cry.

    We started with 9 eggs. 1 was infertile. 1 developed a blood ring in week 2. 4 hatched yesterday. 3 died. 3 eggs remained this morning. I came to check on them an hour afternlast check (didn’t touch, just listened) and they were all dead. No peeping, no movement, nothing. My broody then started...
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