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  1. Penguinsmom

    How common is it for hatcheries get the sex wrong?

    Yup I got 6 chicks from TSC and ended up with 3 cockerels. Most likely won't do that again.
  2. Penguinsmom

    Do you name your chickens?

    I have 6. Penguin, Arwen, Aragorn, Bo Peep and Willow.
  3. Penguinsmom

    Well we are going to try. We have been bringing one of our other roosters in at 4 AM and Bo Peep...

    Well we are going to try. We have been bringing one of our other roosters in at 4 AM and Bo Peep (will be changing that name Ha Ha) the last 2 days for crowing. So far so good.
  4. Penguinsmom

    Thank you SummerThe AnimalGirl for your input. New to chickens and learning more each day. He is...

    Thank you SummerThe AnimalGirl for your input. New to chickens and learning more each day. He is about 11 weeks old. I was thinking the color variation on his feathers was an indicator. I can kind of see the saddle feathers. Absolutely a cute boy.
  5. Penguinsmom

    Just have to ask are you all determining that it a roo only because of the wattles and comb...

    Just have to ask are you all determining that it a roo only because of the wattles and comb? Because I have seen a lot of hens with big combs and wattles. My issue is I can't tell with the feathers. Too fluffy LOL!!!
  6. Penguinsmom

    Hi All, Just want another opinion on our Bo Peep. We believe she is a hen but sometimes she...

    Hi All, Just want another opinion on our Bo Peep. We believe she is a hen but sometimes she crows. We believe she is asserting her top hen status. She is a hen right?
  7. Penguinsmom

    First time chicken mom.

    Hi all, I have 6 chicks who are 6 weeks old and growing up wonderfully. We have 3 Easter Eggers and 3 Bantams, which we are thinking are 1 frizzle, 1 barred rock and either Buff Orpington or Cochin. I am hoping to learn even more information about raising these precious little ones. I have...
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