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  1. arazla

    If I keep my rooster am I just asking for trouble?

    Oh, I also learned that sometimes pets can feel like mating, especially around the tummy so may activate a response to latch on. Mine were like that for a little while, some more than others. They seem to like pets mostly behind their ears and neck.
  2. arazla

    If I keep my rooster am I just asking for trouble?

    I'd recommend watching a few videos by roovolution on youtube or joining rooster allies on facebook if you're looking for the most humane insight into rooster behavior and management. They are on their job 24/7 to protect and care for hens and that means they sometimes misread cues. So off-hand...
  3. arazla

    What are these Fine Hairs on my hen?!

    My alpha hen Calico has hairs growing various places. Mostly on her lower back where she has suffered from feather loss off and on, most likely from over mating, though it's not always clear. I didn't notice this until I took a few of my chooks to the vet for a checkup. He seemed to think it was...
  4. arazla

    How to clean eggs for sell

    Hi, I realize this is an old thread, but wondering if anyone knows whether lightly wiping eggs with a damp paper towel removes all the bloom or just some. I've been just spot cleaning my eggs for sale if they need it and otherwise just wiping with a paper towel. However, it's getting hot now and...
  5. arazla

    "Humane" way of culling chicken?

    Thanks, I feel the same way about the ether. Not really wanting to run out and set all this up for now. If I used an axe, do you think it would be one swift blow or could it possibly take longer?
  6. arazla

    "Humane" way of culling chicken?

    On re-reading the broom method, I think I'd need someone with me the first time. I might just ask one of my other neighbors that hunt if they have a .22.
  7. arazla

    "Humane" way of culling chicken?

    Oh I didn't realize that.
  8. arazla

    "Humane" way of culling chicken?

    I hear what you're saying. The hard part is I didn't "get" this turkey. It came to us and started living here as did many of my neighbor's birds that often go days without fresh water, and seemingly without food at times (authorities have been called on them before, not by us, and we'd rather...
  9. arazla

    "Humane" way of culling chicken?

    Yeah I was thinking that since I've never even tried the broomstick method, it could be twice as challenging with a larger bird. I don't know where I would get ether honestly and I think it's time for her to go tonight or tomorrow. If she even survives that long. Just wanted to see if I could...
  10. arazla

    "Humane" way of culling chicken?

    Unfortunately, I don't think we can eat her. She is an emaciated turkey we absorbed from the neighbors who is dying from heart failure. So I'm not really worried about what's in her system. But I've grown attached since I tried giving her heart meds the vet prescribed (which just don't seem to...
  11. arazla

    Rooster Euthanasia

    Just coming across this post while looking for options on euthanasia. So sorry you and your family felt unsafe. Sounds like you did it painlessly and hope your rooster is with the great bird in the sky now. Having studied a lot about roosters in the past year, I think if you get one in the...
  12. arazla

    "Humane" way of culling chicken?

    Here looking for the same information. Does anyone know whether you just give a dying bird sleeping pills or opiates to overdose her? I don't want to do the broom method, chop her head off or shoot her. Don't have a gun anyway.
  13. arazla

    How To euthanize a chicken humanely

    Ketamine sounds like a great idea, but I also wouldn't know how to get it. Oxycodones are by prescription here as well, but often times they are prescribed for a dental appointment or procedure. It's common for people to save any they don't use for a rainy day.
  14. arazla

    How To euthanize a chicken humanely

    I came to this thread looking for suggestions as I have a turkey with heart failure that is rapidly waning. I tried heart meds even, but have to chase her down every time, though now she tires out quickly. The vet said she would improve in a few days, but after a few weeks I can see that it's...
  15. arazla

    Whole grain layer feed

    Any updates from anyone on your experience so far? We've been going back and forth between Healthy Harvest layer feed and Nutrena All-flock because we have a high number of roosters, but often dole out some of both. They LOVE Healthy Harvest, even the roosters, but we are concerned about calcium...
  16. arazla

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Yes, understand about facebook. There is a youtube page by the same founders, in case that helps. Mostly educational videos and podcasts, but you can also write to them personally. I don't know how much vet advice they have, but they are very supportive of...
  17. arazla

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    But then again, chickens are omnivores and sure do love a big juicy frog or mouse. That being said @Papaye it may depend on the quality of your cat food. We've sometimes given out little portions of sardines in water or some such tidbit when it's cold and wintery, but no expert. Sounds like...
  18. arazla

    Recommendations on coop bedding, nesting material and run floor material

    Where do you get your sand? I'm finding this to be really challenging. There is something called tube sand at our local home depot, but it doesn't say pet safe, so I'm not sure if that's right. They have play sand which does say pet safe, but it's always slightly damp feeling and cool to the...
  19. arazla

    Turkey Sudden Lameness

    Is Tylan the best medication for turkeys with mycoplasma? Our neighbor's turkey has been hacking and wheezing for months. Some of our chickens have also been coughing and sneezing off and on, but nothing as severe as this turkey which snuffles all night. More recently, the turkey has been...
  20. arazla

    My 7 month old Cockerel Cuckoo Maran Comb Black

    If you go to rooster allies on fb, they have some posts about how to care for frostbite. Basically you're not supposed to put anything on it once it sets in. Don't trim it, but they did suggest meloxicam for pain. However, I also saw a blog on Mana pro that suggest you can use hen healer gently...
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