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  1. DustyNoods

    Sad story… New Flock! Help me guess Roos/hens?

    I’m so hoping #2 is a girl but we will see! I’m afraid it’s a boy just from looks. I’m still struggling with #8 also it looks like a boy to me but silkies have done me wrong so many times in the past lol
  2. DustyNoods

    Sad story… New Flock! Help me guess Roos/hens?

    Thank you, I am mostly healed now! It was really hard that it happened simply because I was out of commission. The new chicks are doing well 😊
  3. DustyNoods

    Ended Guess When BYC Will Reach 500,000 Members!

    Okay I’m going with a whole new date cus that one seems to be cursed March 9th 2024 at 1am
  4. DustyNoods

    Ended Guess When BYC Will Reach 500,000 Members!

    Or not central. Lord I should read 🤣 March 18th 2024 2p
  5. DustyNoods

    Ended Guess When BYC Will Reach 500,000 Members!

    Oh sorry March 18th 2024 at 2p central time!! Lol
  6. DustyNoods

    Sad story… New Flock! Help me guess Roos/hens?

    Hey all! Story time… I’ve been offline for months. I had a tragedy on Christmas Day… I had surgery on 12/21 and was still very much barely able to get out of bed so my 3 sons and boyfriend were tending our flock. Well… Someone left the gate open Christmas Day and one of my dogs (who has since...
  7. DustyNoods

    Ended Guess When BYC Will Reach 500,000 Members!

    I’m going to say March 18th 2024
  8. DustyNoods

    Ended 2024 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Love them all!!! Great job everyone
  9. DustyNoods

    Game hen or Bantam EE?

    Two grew up with the standard size girls and nutmeg (the Dutch this post is about) is one of them. She’s always held her own and has a saucy attitude. My second batch was 3 D’uccles and a Wyandotte and the older batch picked on all the younger ones for a bit but now that they are all older...
  10. DustyNoods

    OEGB eggs are tiny!

    Thank you! It’s very difficult to get photos of her. She blends into everything and moves SO fast!
  11. DustyNoods

    Game hen or Bantam EE?

    what do you guys think? Dutch? She has not grown at all lol. Her lobes look more white to me? Especially in the first photo.
  12. DustyNoods

    OEGB eggs are tiny!

    Call me a bad chicken mom… I entirely forgot I was waiting to se show her earlobes turned out if she is OEGB or Dutch bantam. Now I see her earlobes are white which is Dutch! What do you guys think?? She’s my first of this breed
  13. DustyNoods

    OEGB eggs are tiny!

    My OEGB eggs fit into quail egg cartons! She is so tiny and so are her eggs 🥰 her personality is NOT tiny lol she will attack your hand if you try to touch her sometimes. Other times she will happily jump on you for a treat or pets. I plan to sell her eggs separately more so as a novelty 😊...
  14. DustyNoods

    Ended 2024 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    These are sebrights, red star, OEGB, white leghorn, and California white.
  15. DustyNoods

    Ended 2024 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Good luck to everyone I loved seeing all the photos 🤍🤍🤍🤍
  16. DustyNoods

    Rooster not crowing

    My 4 month old Mille Fleur D’Uccle is not crowing. He is the only rooster but the larger breed hens are top of the pecking order so I’m wondering if maybe that’s the cause for his lack of crowing? In all my years of chicken rearing I’ve never had a roo that didn’t crow. Pics of my Jules (July)...
  17. DustyNoods

    Game hen or Bantam EE?

    They all 3 look SO similar. It unfortunately was just an assorted bantam bin and the workers had 0 idea what breeds. There was only a few in there and I got her and then my 2 golden seabrights. The remaining 3 chicks in the bin looked like the seabrights.
  18. DustyNoods

    Game hen or Bantam EE?

    Ohhh just googled and I agree! Looks just like her. I will have to see how she matures and if she gets those white lobes. Thank you!
  19. DustyNoods

    Game hen or Bantam EE?

    Her legs are gray/very slight blue maybe? 4 toes.
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