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  1. Clucky Chicky Mama

    New member: Clucky Chicky Mama

    Thanks for the welcome!! I’ve definitely already missed out in some hours of sleep while getting lost down the rabbit holes of some threads!
  2. Clucky Chicky Mama

    What breed could Kyle be?

    No idea what kind he is, but just wanted to say what a BEAUTIFUL rooster!
  3. Clucky Chicky Mama

    Comment by 'Clucky Chicky Mama' in article 'Fireguy56s Chicken Coop'

    Wow!! Love all the details! What a spectacular coop! And beautiful chickens. Love the koi pond too!!
  4. Clucky Chicky Mama

    New member: Clucky Chicky Mama

    Thanks! Stoked to be here!
  5. Clucky Chicky Mama

    I’m back!

    Welcome back from California! Where are you located ?
  6. Clucky Chicky Mama

    New member: Clucky Chicky Mama

    Oh my goodness!! So many helpful links! Thank you so much!!
  7. Clucky Chicky Mama

    New member: Clucky Chicky Mama

    Hi! 👋 thanks! The chicken party was super cute! My husband and dad both wore “What the cluck?” T-shirts, and I wore one that said “Guess what?” and had an arrow pointing to a chicken’s butt. My daughter wore a pretty dress with colorful chickens all over it. We had chicken balloons, and gummy...
  8. Clucky Chicky Mama

    New member: Clucky Chicky Mama

    Ahhhh, ok. Thank you very much!
  9. Clucky Chicky Mama

    Rooster with bald spot on breast bone

    I have a potential 6-7 week old who might be a roo. Have held and cuddled both him and our other chick, likely a pullet, every day. Why shouldn’t we cuddle them as pets? And do I need to stop now, or once we’ve confirmed that he’s a roo. Got 2 chickens intended to be pets (who hopefully also...
  10. Clucky Chicky Mama

    New member: Clucky Chicky Mama

    Thanks so much for the warm welcome! Excited to be a part of this flock!
  11. Clucky Chicky Mama

    New member: Clucky Chicky Mama

    Thank you - I appreciate it. Out of curiosity- what features make everyone say he’s a cockerel? I’ve suspected it from the big feet and pretty plumage, but curious what stands out to people who really know about chickens.
  12. Clucky Chicky Mama

    New member: Clucky Chicky Mama

    Thank you ❤️ I really appreciate your take. He is so sweet… I would hate to have to give him up. Just today he gave the best snuggles. He always stretches his neck out to lay it on my arm or leg and will sit with me for quite a while.
  13. Clucky Chicky Mama

    New member: Clucky Chicky Mama

    Thanks for the warm welcome!
  14. Clucky Chicky Mama

    New member: Clucky Chicky Mama

    So the brown one that everyone is saying is a cockerel - that’s what we get for naming him Friar Cluck! (Clucky for short.) The white pullet is Henny Penny.
  15. Clucky Chicky Mama

    New here

    Hello from California! I’m a first time chicken mom too! This group has been so helpful!
  16. Clucky Chicky Mama

    Hello nice to meet all of you!

    Hello, and welcome from California !
  17. Clucky Chicky Mama

    New member: Clucky Chicky Mama

    Thanks! I’m a bit nervous, we only have 2 chickens. Hoping the poullet will be ok 😳
  18. Clucky Chicky Mama

    New member: Clucky Chicky Mama

    Thanks! Hello from San Diego, CA!
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