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  1. M

    Difficulty of draining water belly / ascites?

    Don't stick her on the left side of the vent is what I've heard over and over and over. Do the right side
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    Difficulty of draining water belly / ascites?

    I literally just posted a topic about my struggles while trying to drain our young hen! If you have a second pair of hands it really shouldn't be difficult from what I've read and watched. Do you have a shortish needle? Do you have tubing between the needle and syringe? With a bit of tubing you...
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    Young Hen Water Belly Issues. Plz Help

    Hello all of you wonderful people. I have a bit of a conundrum on my hands. We have a sub-1yr old Goldenlaced Wyandotte from Murray McMurray who has every single classical sign of water belly. I've done the research, I've spent the sleepless nights, I've watched the YouTube videos etc etc etc...
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    Wild Red Jungle Fowl Questions

    I'm struggling to navigate the site enough to post my own thread . We've recently trapped(rescued) an orphaned jungle fowl chick. Any advice on how to know she's ready for later pellets like the rest of our hens? Thanks in advance
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    2 hens-laying same time, same nest box

    Your chickens just live in the house?? Or do you have some sort of awesome coop/hangout zone man(chicken)cave type thing?
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    Moldy feed from tractor supply

    The current moldy bag I just bought today has a date of 5/10/23 on it. So over 6 months old. Will definitely be checking the dates from now on
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    Moldy feed from tractor supply

    Sorry to revive a long dead thread. Just picked up a bag of Dumor chick feed, and yup. Moldy and smells musty and damp. Super annoying because now I have to drive an hour into town for a replacement. After reading this thread I will avoid dumor products in the future. Poor hens are gonna have...
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    What's the temperature where you are???

    Today we got 4 inches of rain from 7pm last night up until about 7pm this night. But usually like 85° with extreme humidity. It's rare to have an evening with absolutely no rain. It's currently 7:22pm slightly cloudy and 74° with 86% humidity according to the app I use. My chicks lil haven is...
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    Young chickens dying HELP!!

    Yeah. My girlfriend compiled a timeline with time stamped photos of the dying chicks. Unfortunately she didn't get photos of the foamy poop that preceded both of the chicks who had similarly bloody poop. They were dropping like flies and she was beyond flustered trying to keep things clean...
  10. M

    Young chickens dying HELP!!

    Our batch was shipped on the 14th and I picked them up from the post office at 10am on the 17th. Based on my understanding of the coccidiosis timeline, it would be easily possible that none of the chicks had been showing any symptoms when they got to Oahu for inspection.
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    Young chickens dying HELP!!

    I'm on the big island, east side in the area of Mountain View
  12. M

    Young chickens dying HELP!!

    It was chicks. The timeline matched up perfectly. I called TSC and they had never heard of Corid. I called Petco and that employee hadn't heard of Corid or coccidiosis. Miranda's said they carry it, but out of stock. Luckily I was able to meet with someone locally and they gave me enough to...
  13. M

    Young chickens dying HELP!!

    Two of the three vet offices I reached out to locally recommended I contact a highly regarded avian virologist/pathologist on our neighboring island of Oahu. We've saved the birds to send off for necropsy. Based on the photos, videos, and descriptions provided to the actual professionals...
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    My Murray McMurray Hatchery Review.

    Just received an order from this hatchery two days ago. Paid extra for the vaccination process, yet still 50% died within 24hrs to what can only be assumed to be cocci. Two of them were very obviously dying right out of the box, and never touched soil on our property. All of the telltale signs...
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    Roo with Bloody Poop

    Currently dealing with coccidiosis right out of the box with chicks from Murray McMurray and unfortunately nothing local had corid in stock. I'm curious to know how things ended up for you
  16. M

    When to euthanize please help

    I am VERY VERY new here and dealing with some heartbreaking issues with chicks, but I felt like it may be ok for me to let you know that the person's hen has already passed away, unfortunately.
  17. M

    Young chickens dying HELP!!

    Thank you for the reply. I've spent awhile searching but I can't find anything available locally. Just the reality of such an isolated culture I suppose. Unfortunately as well, any Amazon or other pet med supply stores won't have the meds here for at least 6 days. We've basically accepted the...
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    Young chickens dying HELP!!

    The one singular place I've found on our island does carry it, but is out of stock. Every single other feed/pet/country style store employee i talked to had no clue what I was talking about. Apparently it is incredibly rare here, even tho the soil is almost always damp. (200" of rain minimum...
  19. M

    Young chickens dying HELP!!

    Our batch we got yesterday from Murray and McMurray had two hens almost dead right out of the box with classic cocci symptoms. They both died within 4 hours of us even opening the box, and they were in a sanitized 'tub' lined with newspaper. So no chance in hell they were exposed to our soil in...
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