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  1. wildgreen

    Black Australorp chick - male or female?

    We’ve been back and forth about mine until recently since she doesn’t have any male-specific feathering! Her comb and wattles are still significantly larger and redder than my other pullets. It’s been interesting. Yours does look so much like mine at that age 😂
  2. wildgreen

    White peahen

    Hi Pea people! A gorgeous white peahen showed up out of nowhere on our property yesterday and was socializing with our chickens and eating some of their food and treats! I have no clue where she came from. She walked off into the woods after a while and hasn’t returned today. Our nearest...
  3. wildgreen

    Black Australorp chick - male or female?

    Update on my 11-week old beautiful black Australorp pullet! Just thought I’d continue posting pre-laying updates for others with potentially early blooming pullets.
  4. wildgreen

    Ancona or Americana or aurcana?

    Definitely an Ancona! I have an Ancona chick as well, now almost five weeks old, and she has actually turned out to be quite sweet and cuddly already. In the first couple of weeks she was pretty flighty and anxious but now she jumps up on me all the time to be pet. I’ve made it a point since day...
  5. wildgreen

    Barred Rock gender - 4 weeks old

    Thank y’all so much!! I appreciate it!
  6. wildgreen

    Barred Rock gender - 4 weeks old

    Thanks! What makes you say Olive Egger over Cuckoo Marans? I’m just interested to know what the little differences are so I can keep an eye out :)
  7. wildgreen

    Barred Rock gender - 4 weeks old

    Definitely! For some reason I didn’t even think of leg color when I got the chick and have just called it a Barred Rock for the past four weeks, haha! JedJackson thinks it’s an Olive Egger or maybe a Cuckoo Marans - do you have any thoughts on breed?
  8. wildgreen

    Barred Rock gender - 4 weeks old

    Also if you don’t mind explaining what makes you think Olive Egger vs Cuckoo Marans? Thanks :)
  9. wildgreen

    Barred Rock gender - 4 weeks old

    Thanks so much! I learn something new from y’all on BYC every day!
  10. wildgreen

    Barred Rock gender - 4 weeks old

    Thank you! If it helps this is what it looked like when I purchased it.
  11. wildgreen

    Barred Rock gender - 4 weeks old

    Oh oops! I didn’t even consider that. I got it from a local feed store which sources their chicks from Ideal Poultry. They post a list of chicks they get for the week so it SHOULD be one of these breeds in the photos from the week prior and the week I purchased it…it was in the Barred Rock bin...
  12. wildgreen

    Barred Rock gender - 4 weeks old

    I’ve heard that auto-sexing with Barred Rock chicks is about 80% accurate. This little one has had me wondering pretty much since week one whether it’s a pullet or cockerel based on the comb and wattles alone. Other than the comb and wattles I’m not really sure what to go off of at this point...
  13. wildgreen

    Integrating new chicks into my young flock

    Awesome, thank you so much!
  14. wildgreen

    Integrating new chicks into my young flock

    Update! Today I let the 3-week olds out to free range supervised but I let the 10-week olds come check them out. The 3-week olds have been in their own small coop in the big coop for a week now so they are all very familiar with each other but until today I hadn’t let them directly interact. A...
  15. wildgreen

    Salmon Faverolles - male or female?

    Oh yeah! That’s awesome! Congrats, they’re both beautiful 😊
  16. wildgreen

    Help! Two chicks with wounds

    Thank you! I’m unable to get a photo right now but maybe it was a mouse or rat…? It just happened out of nowhere and overnight. The brooder is in a small shed. It’s a large gerbil type cage. A rat or mouse would be able to reach through but I’m not sure they’d be able to actually get into the...
  17. wildgreen

    Help! Two chicks with wounds

    Two of my four 2-week old chicks have fresh wounds. They did not have these yesterday! The other two have no wounds. What could this be from?? Are they hurting each other? There was none of this with the other seven older chicks who were in the same brooder when they were little. I don’t think...
  18. wildgreen

    Black Australorp chick - male or female?

    Thanks everyone!! I’m going with pullet for now then and will update to confirm when she lays an egg (or crows)!
  19. wildgreen

    Need help identifying this chick’s breed

    She looks incredibly similar to my Easter Egger, except mine has a much darker head.
  20. wildgreen

    2-3 week old Salmón Faverolle pullet or Cockerel

    Both look like pullets to me!
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