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  1. B

    Sick 4 day old chick help!

    Thank you for all your help! Made me feel much better!! I may be back with more questions for you. Yes I love them too. I need to stop buying them 😂😂
  2. B

    Sick 4 day old chick help!

    Yep she sure did still have that! I didn’t know what that was. At first I thought it was poop but indeed it was her egg tooth. I’m running to check the other babies now… I just ran and checked the rest of the babies and none of the other have that!! They are all still doing good and are...
  3. B

    Sick 4 day old chick help!

    Thank you this is very helpful! And yes the one that died did have a piece of egg attached to it when I cleaned it as soon as I took it out the box. I’m assuming this is the egg tooth? The rest didn’t have that piece of egg shell still stuck to it like she did. She did have trouble getting up...
  4. B

    Sex of 5 week old Easter egger

    I bought this light colored EE because one of my other EEs turned out to be a roo and I didn’t have one this color. I’m sad because I think he is a roo…
  5. B

    Sick 4 day old chick help!

    The others are all still doing well. Just a little pasty butt on one or two of them but they are on apple cider water and cleaning every day. Keeping my fingers crossed 🤞🏻
  6. B

    Sick 4 day old chick help!

    Thanks for trying but she passed away. Now I’m worried about the other chicks. I’m not sure what happened. She was the smallest of the 4 but the others seems to still be doing ok. I guess I will keep an eye on the others and come back to update here if anything changes. 😔
  7. B

    Sick 4 day old chick help!

    I received 4 chicks in the mail on the 14th. Hatched the 12th. They were all healthy and fine until this afternoon I notice one seems lethargic. She’s not moving much. She did have a little pasty butt along with one other chick on the first day but I’ve been cleaning the ones that needed it...
  8. B

    What do y’all use on the run floor? Why?

    Yea I’ve dug a trench in front of the coop, it just hasn’t rained hard enough yet to try it out and see how well it works
  9. B

    What do y’all use on the run floor? Why?

    Also, when you put horse pellets in the coop to soak up water from all the rain, after it’s all absorbed do you shovel it all out? I currently have hemp on the floor of the coop and I thought it was taking too long to dry up so I added some pellets.
  10. B

    What do y’all use on the run floor? Why?

    I live in south Louisiana so it’s hot and occasionally very very rainy. The run has some grass left in it but it won’t be long until it’s all gone. What do y’all use on the floor of the run? And why do you prefer it?
  11. B

    Sex of my 5-6 week old blue laced red Wyandotte?

    I previously got a chick and he ended up being a rooster so I bought another one… I think this one may be a rooster also 😭😭😭 what do you think?
  12. B

    new chicken run construction, any extra advice wanted

    I have this chicken run build started. It has coated chicken wire all around. I have galvanized hardware mesh to add a few feet up the walls and a few feet of apron around the bottom all around. The chickens will only be in here during the day. Any suggestions on other things I should do to keep...
  13. B

    Confirmation of Sex of these chickens.

    Thank you all for confirming!! I’m glad I bet them all on this one 😂😂😂
  14. B

    Confirmation of Sex of these chickens.

    All are from tractor supply… and were supposed to be hens. I think they are Roos but my other family members are in denial 😂😂. Thanks!!! 1. 9 week old blue tint Wyandotte 2. 9 week old Salmon Favorolle 3. 8 week old lavender Orpington
  15. B

    Watery eye

    UPDATE: today Friendly seems more comfy. Her eye doesn't seem to be as irritated and watery as it was before. Thanks for the help!!!
  16. B

    Watery eye

    I will try to remove the two feathers I suspect are causing the problem. Thanks for the help!! I will update in a few days on how she’s doing. I have another question about a different chicken I’ll post a new thread
  17. B

    Watery eye

    Hi, I’m new to raising chickens. One of my salmon favorolle hens “friendly” has a watery eye. She’s acting fine as usual eating, drinking, playing and being her silly self. Except one eye is watery. It’s not red, no bubble, no other signs of sickness. When I looked closer it looks like maybe one...
  18. B

    Hey everyone!

    Hey, I’m a 32 years old from south Louisiana and I am pretty new to owning chickens. I’ve come across a few questions I’ve had that a google search couldn’t answer so figured I’d join. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I bought some baby chicks for the first...
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