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  1. E

    What gender are these two chicks, both days-old Sapphire Splash?

    Okay. I thought the same about the combs.
  2. E

    What gender are these two chicks, both days-old Sapphire Splash?

    The feed store employee could not tell the difference between genders for these straight run Sapphire Splash chicks. Does anyone know what their genders are? The first 2 photos are of the 1st chick. The 2nd 2 pictures are of the second chick. Thanks!
  3. E

    With attached run, is it essential or not to shut and lock coop chicken door at night?

    The coop is almost done, but the run hasn't been built yet. We have hawks, crows, and a possible bear. In SW VA. The run will enclose the chicken ramp and go out towards the direction the ramp is going. The door/window hardware is going to be secure, I think. Any ideas?
  4. E

    With attached run, is it essential or not to shut and lock coop chicken door at night?

    Is there a certain type of wire you recommend?
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    With attached run, is it essential or not to shut and lock coop chicken door at night?

    I am going to be putting my flock 10 week old pullets and 1 cockerel out in their new coop and run soon for the first time. Is it absolutely essential to shut and lock chicken door to coop at night, even if the chicken door is completely enclosed by a well-made run covered completely in wire...
  6. E

    8wk old Sapphire Gem....pullet or cockerel?

    Thank you! I think this breed is so pretty. Thanks for the info!
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    8wk old Sapphire Gem....pullet or cockerel?

    This is Oceanne, an 8wk old Sapphire Gem chick. I am guessing it is a pullet, but the comb and waddles, raptor-like sounds, which are different from the others, and fact that it is acting in charge of all the other chicks make me wonder if it is a cockerel.
  8. E

    pullet or cockerel?

    Is this 8wk old Americana chick a pullet or cockerel? It has grown much bigger already than those of the same age and is much bossier. Thanks!
  9. E

    6wk old Barred Plymouth Rock- is it a cockerel or pullet?

    Ok thanks. We may keep him and only get rid of him if he gets annoying. Thanks
  10. E

    6wk old Barred Plymouth Rock- is it a cockerel or pullet?

    ANyone know if this chick is male or female? Ace Hardware told us all were females, but the comb is looking red and maybe waddles now, too?
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