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  1. CantSkate


    The biggest issue with dogs (especially those with high prey drives) and chickens is that chicken's react in such a way that actually excites the dog more. Think about it chickens under attack make lots of noise and fly/hop as fast as they can from the danger. For a dog who has been bred to hunt...
  2. CantSkate

    Good dog, close call!

    Always nice when the dog pitches in Several months ago one of my Rhodesian Ridgeback desperately wanted to go out late at night, Thinking the old lady had to do her business (she is almost 14) I just let her out. The next thing we hear is her growling/barking and blood curling screams. When...
  3. CantSkate

    help! hen eating her eggs!!!

    I just had this happen with my RIR, I had to seperate her from the flock for about two weeks and put golfballs in her nesting box. The funny thing is that once I removed her the remaining hens stopped laying. When I put her back everyone started laying again and she isn't eating eggs anymore
  4. CantSkate

    Another Hen or Rooster Question

    I'm still new at the whole chicken thing, but I thought Comets were sex linked with the roos being whie and the hens being reddish
  5. CantSkate

    Supposed to be a Black Australorp but I don't think so

    Added another pic Could she be a Pencilled Rock, I wish I couls remember what my GLW looked like at that age
  6. CantSkate

    Supposed to be a Black Australorp but I don't think so

    Thanks, she's becoming one of my favorites she likes to alone and is very calm
  7. CantSkate

    Supposed to be a Black Australorp but I don't think so

    I aquired two Black Australorps from a local store about 6 weeks ago and while one clearly is the other isn't. This one also has yellow legs. I'm hoping someone here can identify her Thanks
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