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  1. pinkmartin73

    Curious about selling fertile eggs

    Good point! I'm weird about food. I use eggs because I bake a lot and my family loves them. I personally am squeamish about eggs to begin with (fertile or not). This problem was NOT helped by getting chickens and seeing the crap they will eat (seriously they eat crap). Then I went on to study...
  2. pinkmartin73

    Curious about selling fertile eggs

    I've learned that obvious isn't always so obvious to others lol. I do know some people who would probably be creeped out. Its silly. We check for eggs several times a day. They can't get to the fridge much faster without building a nest inside it. No way any development could happen. Promise...
  3. pinkmartin73

    Curious about selling fertile eggs

    There's a video online. I saw it on FB. It shows a high speed look at egg development from lay to hatch. My son watched it over and over. Very interesting. Maybe search youtube?
  4. pinkmartin73

    Curious about selling fertile eggs

    I did know that the bullseye and blood spots were different things. I did not know that the likelyhood of producing blood spots was a hereditary defect. Makes sense. I will keep fertility info to myself, but I will be honest with those who ask. Anyone who likes can check out my coop anyway...
  5. pinkmartin73

    Curious about selling fertile eggs

    Well, duh! (Slapping my own forehead) why didn't I consider that is why they would sell fertile eggs? Lol maybe cuz that's gross! I haven't actually cracked any of our eggs open. We've been hard boiling. Therefore, I can't prove or disprove the bullseye theory. I only know what I read here...
  6. pinkmartin73

    Curious about selling fertile eggs

    Tbh I didn't know about the bullseye until after I got chickens and looked it up out of curiosity. I can see how some people could be creeped out if they know. On the other hand, trader joes sells fertile eggs and charges more for them. (I don't understand the reasoning but kudos to whoever...
  7. pinkmartin73

    Curious about selling fertile eggs

    The buyers I have lined up are just wanting to eat them.
  8. pinkmartin73

    Curious about selling fertile eggs

    We aren't looking to get rich. We will give away a lot if eggs. A few people have contacted me saying they heard we have chickens and would be interested in buying eggs when ours are laying reliably. Do i need to/have to disclose that the eggs may be fertile? Should I?
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