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  1. roosterford

    lost our flock to a mystery predator

    I talked to my neighbor who has done chickens before and he thought raccoon too. Ballsy ********. I spent a whole day upgrading fortification, I disabled the less secure run I had, skirted the bottom of my coop with 1" chicken wire, did a double covering of the top with a heavy fish net and...
  2. roosterford

    lost our flock to a mystery predator

    I buried most of the chicks already and am getting an electric fence for the pen, but I'll ask my buddy about borrowing one of his traps . There are almost no raccoons around here and a lot of bobcats, but you might be right. Either way I can't believe it snuck past my dog. It just reminded me...
  3. roosterford

    lost our flock to a mystery predator

    I just had a big cat come kill mine... I live in the country and my chicks were 4.5 weeks old. I have a pretty **** well set up coop + run, more secure than a lot I've seen around her, but I woke up this morning and am still ****** off and really sad. One of my runs had no roof and they jumped...
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