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  1. Kentuckyrain

    Newbie here and on day 20,, nervous and unsure!

    Thank you so much! Ok, so the temp on one side is 96 but the humidity is showing at 28!!!!! How do I bring up the humidity in the brooder? It was easy in the bator, just added water to the bottom tray but I have no idea how to bring it up in the brooder?
  2. Kentuckyrain

    Newbie here and on day 20,, nervous and unsure!

    Thank you so much AmyLynn
  3. Kentuckyrain

    Newbie here and on day 20,, nervous and unsure!

    I have been reading a lot on here in the "Learning" section, I must have missed it somehow, but I can't seem to find out what the temp needs to be in the brooder? I did see somewhere to decrease it by 5 degrees every week but I didn't see what it should be when you do take the chicks out of the...
  4. Kentuckyrain

    Newbie here and on day 20,, nervous and unsure!

    This one hatched yesterday, it is actually doing great, running around today, sleeping, chirping, staring up at me when I peek through the glass! I have another egg that has pipped this morning and I can hear chirping coming from it. I am excited to see the next one hatch :)
  5. Kentuckyrain

    Newbie here and on day 20,, nervous and unsure!

    Ok, it has hatched and is running around,, NOW WHAT???????????? A friend said take it out NOW or it will BAKE
  6. Kentuckyrain

    Newbie here and on day 20,, nervous and unsure!

    Hi everyone, I could use a little advice. I have tried to read up on different threads on here and look at pictures, etc. but I am still nervous and confused. I have Silkie eggs in the bator, one is on day 20, one on day 18 and one on day 14. While I have several hens in the coop, my silkie...
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