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  1. shortgrass

    Essential Oils for chickens?

    Ewww I wouldn't like it either lol... I dabbed a drop if lemon oil on my tongue out if curiosity once.. Oi! Won't EVER do that again; literally burned my esophagus and call I could taste for days was lemon pledge :P I would probably be more inclined to put a drop in a grape or something to...
  2. shortgrass

    Essential Oils for chickens?

    Depends on what oils we are talking about ;) I use rosemary, geranium, eucalyptus, and clove oil for pest control, and considering adding some in to feed, but I haven't thought of them for worming... I was wondering about it though.. I use wormwood, dill, garlic, and Neem powder for worm...
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