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  1. al08062

    My Chicken had a 5.9oz egg, has anyone seen this??? I made a video too of the egg..

    i would just watch and see if she continues to lay triple and double yolks she will be fine health wise but she will be the first to stop laying in upcoming years.
  2. al08062

    My Chicken had a 5.9oz egg, has anyone seen this??? I made a video too of the egg..

    one thing we need to look at is that the eggs of a hen are set at birth. When a hen lays double yolk eggs she has just lost a day of laying. Ex. two identical hens one lays standard one yolk eggs for 3 years then stops laying. her sister lays double yolk eggs and is done laying at 18 months...
  3. al08062

    My Chicken had a 5.9oz egg, has anyone seen this??? I made a video too of the egg..

    it is quite rare most hens will never experience this.
  4. al08062

    My Chicken had a 5.9oz egg, has anyone seen this??? I made a video too of the egg..

    A counter-peristalsis contraction is when a second oocyte is released by the ovary before the first egg has completely traveled through the oviduct and been laid. The release of a second oocyte into the oviduct system while a first oocyte is in the eggshell-gland portion of the oviduct (the...
  5. al08062

    My Chicken had a 5.9oz egg, has anyone seen this??? I made a video too of the egg..

    The cause of this phenomenon is called a counter-peristalsis contraction
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