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  1. room onthebroom


    You're right, the yolks are thicker & harder to get off the plate. I've been eating them most of the week (making up for lost time) & I think they're a little richer too. The other day my youngest ordered "fried chicken eggs" for breakfast. I knew what she meant, but it just sounded so weird...
  2. room onthebroom


  3. room onthebroom


    Congrats Debs Flock on your girls laying & LadyIsadora being able to enjoy yours again! I think what you guys have is contagious... Its called Obsessive Eggalovitis Disorder & I'm pretty sure I have it now too. Its been over a month since Mako laid her 1st egg, but its been way too hot here...
  4. room onthebroom


    How olds Bean? Is she the one in your avatar?
  5. room onthebroom


    I'm actually blown away that she's laid every day since she started. Its always first thing in the morning & in the nest. Its so bizarre, because my chickens have never done that. The chickens start in the morning, then lay later everyday until they finally take a day off. Not Mako... That ducks...
  6. room onthebroom


    Thanks you guys. I love the house duck thread... So much going on there.
  7. room onthebroom


    Nice! I'm fascinated by house ducks. Do you do diapers & a bathtub?
  8. room onthebroom


    Have you got a house duck?
  9. room onthebroom


  10. room onthebroom


    Thanks everybody for the compliments on Miss Mako Mori. She's laid everyday, but the eggs are starting to get really small, like chicken size. I think she needs a vacation. LadyIsadora - What does a duck egg intolerance look like? Ill? Rash? Not trying to be nosy, just curious.
  11. room onthebroom


    Oh that's the worst! Your poor mom. She was probably traumatized for life after that. I've been lucky that my kids have missed most of my bigger blunders ... so far.
  12. room onthebroom


    That's hysterical!
  13. room onthebroom


    Our little overachiever has laid 3 eggs in 3 days & all first thing in the morning. I'm so proud of her!
  14. room onthebroom


    Quote: I've got to ask.... How did she figure it out?
  15. room onthebroom


    Thank you Tmarr! :)
  16. room onthebroom


    Thank you for acknowledging my newly acquired professionalism. I'm going to try to apply this new talent to other areas of my life ... I need all the professional help I can get. Hahaha!
  17. room onthebroom


    I know that is not funny.... BUT THAT IS SO FUNNY!!! I wont even tell you about the poor little guys I've killed on accident. Suffice it to say, its not easy being the adult in the house... Most days I'm sure I'm not qualified for the job.
  18. room onthebroom


    I cant believe how dense I am sometimes. It reminds me of the time one of my kids told me our fish had died. I was crazy-busy & just glanced over at the tank & said, "Don't worry, I'm sure he's just shedding." A few minutes later, when my brain caught up with what my mouth had said, I had the...
  19. room onthebroom


    Thanks! I had no idea. What a great surprise!
  20. room onthebroom


    My Swedish Blue laid her 1st egg today. What a TOTAL SURPRISE! My calculations say she's only 5mo so we didn't expect an egg for at least another month. We were staring at it & tapping it like a bunch of Neanderthals looking at fire. It was just SO unexpected that we couldn't process what we...
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