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  1. oldhenlikesdogs

    No Love

    That's sad, I never had that experience, I keep both bantam and LF roosters, they all can free range and mingle, young ones grow up in the flocks, I really like roosters, though teenagers can be a pain and sometimes end up in my chicken jail for a few months before being allowed to reintegrate...
  2. oldhenlikesdogs

    No Love

    I keep multiple roosters that are different ages, I've never had a rooster kill another, they develop a hierarchy amongst themselves, usually oldest is highest, divide up the hens if there's enough and some live on the outskirts without hens, I currently have ten roosters, they occasionally...
  3. oldhenlikesdogs

    No Love

    on my posts there is a faint pencil icon you can use to edit your posts, you can't delete them though, it's between the flag and the thumbs up. Get out your glasses.
  4. oldhenlikesdogs

    No Love

    thank you for not flagging me, I would be so embarrassed
  5. oldhenlikesdogs

    No Love

    I had to put an end to that unfortunately, every time I went to weed a garden bed a passel of bantam chickens would come running to help, as they got older they weren't exactly helping anymore and all my soil and mulch was kicked out, though I do have good memories of our time gardening together.
  6. oldhenlikesdogs

    No Love

    On the bottom of each post is a thumbs up symbol, you can add a comment if you wish. Can't really thank anyone for them.
  7. oldhenlikesdogs

    No Love

    I spend a lot of time just being amongst my chickens, you really get to see and hear things more the longer you just sit quietly, I find them peaceful, and watching them is one of my favorite pastimes.
  8. oldhenlikesdogs

    No Love

    I also love the kung fu movie noises some of my roosters make, they usually do it right after a more dominant rooster has moved them off, hyyaaaa.
  9. oldhenlikesdogs

    No Love

    That does look like it should be laying.
  10. oldhenlikesdogs

    No Love

    I have learned a fair amount of chicken language as well, from observing them, vocal as well as body language, they are individuals with their own thoughts and emotions. My particular favorite vocalizations are when an older confident hens slowly walks up to me muttering her bok, bok, bok, at...
  11. oldhenlikesdogs

    No Love

    I never tame my chickens, but some still will attach themselves to me and want to know what I am doing, there is definitely a phase where your the boogeyman, and different breeds, different personalities, I think your problem is that you are trying, you have to ignore them than they will want to...
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