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  1. shortgrass

    No Love

    I'm so glad to hear they are warming up to you! :) They must have decided that you aren't so scary after all! I'd just enjoy them as they are. They don't need a rooster bugging them just yet, unless you want chicks again already ;) I have 16 "teenagers" right now lol, and they are right in the...
  2. shortgrass

    No Love

    In agreeance with you both in certain respects, tati and Bine... I guess in its simplicity, I consider "our" job husbandrymen(or women lol)... My sole responsibility is to nurture soil, plant, animal, self. In that order ;) I'm very blessed to have been raised on this land, eat from this land...
  3. shortgrass

    No Love

    You know, the talking about the singing, and language... I actually caught myself out there LISTENING to them... They DO sing! It's almost like hearing an Operetta; they did it when I was just sitting down, doing nothing. I don't sit down very often and just listen to them lol... It was really...
  4. shortgrass

    No Love

    ROFL :D
  5. shortgrass

    No Love

    It's not really "singing" per se, but different vocalizations... The egg song is definitely noticeable... Then there's the soft clucks they do when they're curious, the loud screechy squawks when they're upset someone is in their nest box, the growling they do when someone they don't want to...
  6. shortgrass

    No Love

    I KNOW you're on to something there... I was like that as a yourh as well. Now my kids can just walk right up to any chicken they want, and they squat forvthem... They like to call it "bowing for them" lol. We also have guinea fowl that my eldest can just cart around, and they come flying when...
  7. shortgrass

    No Love

    I can totally believe that lol... Mine talk ALOT. Especially the BRs, they follow me and click at me in the garden, asking, "whatcha doing?" Lol... I have a bunch of chicks in a separate coop, and the Anconas don't like the intrusion; yesterday a horrible racket coming from coop #2.. I peek in...
  8. shortgrass

    No Love

    Lol @Tati I think you might have hit the nail on the head... I am 100% German ha-ha... Selective breeding?.. lol I'm totally joking around ;) ... I am the runt too, born too early.... The one out of 2 babies in 5 generations, plus aunts and uncles, that would have been lost... I survived Scarlet...
  9. shortgrass

    No Love

    Funny that you mention hygiene. It's now becoming apparent thatvwecare not getting ENOUGH germs and ourvkids' immunity is suffering from it. More germs=more opportunity to build immunity. I can personally vouch for 5 very healthy generations of farmers coming from this little poo infested, cow...
  10. shortgrass

    No Love

    MEALWORMS. Every chicken big or small, as long as it has a beak, will be your best bud for mealworms ;)
  11. shortgrass

    No Love

    LOL... That about sums it up... :D
  12. shortgrass

    No Love

    Well aart, lol, I want to at least FEEL like I'm loved ha-ha, especially since I AM the one that feeds them, they should at least say "thanks" and trust me a little bit.. :D I don't like dogs, at least not near as much as birds ;)
  13. shortgrass

    No Love

    Well, chickens aren't really trusting souls lol ;) But breed can make a huge difference; usually Cochin or silkie are considered the "lap chickens" of the chicken world. But each breed has their personalities... EE are usually very friendly, BRs pick and choose, they're more "standoffish"...
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