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  1. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    I know. A lesson hard learned... You have more eggs don't you?
  2. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    Yeah but that defenseless cheeping was like a birthday cake screaming a fat baby's name.
  3. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    You can't even throw my cat in the bird house, he'll flap his legs till he changes course...had enough beatings to know he doesn't belong there. Other than a well trained cat, what did you expect to happen? I hear these stories frequently, they left the incubator near the small children or the...
  4. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    Heh, get a bigger brooder...Seriously, If I can help you- just yell at me.
  5. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    K, I have other birds, I have 16 5 week (just fully feathered) ready to go, but again, I'm not trying to steal your sale, just trying to help, if you don't want to sell yours, or if you need to replace yours.
  6. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    I never really sell chicks, too fragile to ship and have never had any requests. That said, they ought to be worth 50 cents apiece, 1st week, going up as you invest feed over time. But I'm thinking from the perspective that someone orders them, not just showing up wanting my stock. If I...
  7. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    Not by any means a definitive study,
  8. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    They aren't really smart enough to be skittish. no survival instinct.
  9. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    I have a pen with 8 or 9 hens, the first layed about a week ago and the last one started yesterday.
  10. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    they are on pee pads or paper towels for the first week, then into a wire floor brooder.
  11. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    That happens, probably suffocated from piling up. I don't use shavings so I can't say, but if I did it would probably only be for the first few days. Sure a still air hovabator will work, but for a few bucks you can install a fan and have a forced air hovabator.
  12. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    For coturnix, at the close of day 14
  13. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    I had a lot of procrastinating to do today, but I decided to wait until tomorrow. Last month I thought I was procrastinated, so I took castor oil just in case...
  14. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    Well I'm not exactly sure K, I keep my birds on artificial light. I would guess somewhere around October, when the days get shorter, I think under 13 hours of daylight. OK I checked, the length of days goes under 13 hours at the end of August so they'll stop laying probably September.
  15. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    Pull him alone, hes probably going to get picked on no matter what with the same peers.
  16. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    My pens are all indoors, out in the quail jail.
  17. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    Thats about as good as it gets, I suppose you could add anything you want, but a high protein starter grower should pretty much cover it. That's what I feed my roosters that are going to quail heaven.
  18. Quail Jailer

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    Kill them. (you might want to stop their food and water 4-6 hours before, personally I do not, it seems cruel.)
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