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  1. Exotica

    Please help, dog injured baby chick..

    My eyes are swollen and I feel immensely guilty but I have indeed taken this as a learning experience.. I just can't help thinking that if I hadn't fed her, she'd still be alive right now.. But she was so tiny I thought that not eating from 3PM-8AM would've been too much for her ): I buried...
  2. Exotica

    Please help, dog injured baby chick..

    She's dead..... She choked to death.... My inexperience killed her.. I'll never forgive myself.. Just this morning I fed her this way and she ate everything up and was fine.. For the first few minutes she ate everything! I had a feeling she was choking but I wasn't sure.. now I know how terrible...
  3. Exotica

    Please help, dog injured baby chick..

    HELP.. I just fed her form the syringe now she's making like a chirping motion but no sound is coming out.. I can't find anything on google.. IS SHE CHOKING?
  4. Exotica

    Please help, dog injured baby chick..

    Thank you! Do you know at what intervals? Should it be once every few hours or three times a day? Good news!! She stands and straight too! It is not her legs!! I wasn't able to get a good picture of her standing because she falls down after a few seconds but she stands nonetheless...
  5. Exotica

    Please help, dog injured baby chick..

    I'm so glad yours got better! So there IS hope! Should I blend the food? I'm scared that it'll be too much on her digestive system.. I'm just going to go ahead and blend a bit of applesauce with some of the fermented food and save a chic
  6. Exotica

    Please help, dog injured baby chick..

    Thank you both for commenting on this post. I honestly thought she was going to be dead by the time I woke up but this morning she was peeping and sitting in the water bowl (the water only went up to half her chest since the heat lamp evaporated some). I moved her back to the shavings and she...
  7. Exotica

    Please help, dog injured baby chick..

    Yeah, at the end of the day it was a lesson learned and she was not going to change her ways until something like this happened. Thank you so much<3 I will keep you guys updated! Thank you for your encouraging words! It means a lot! I'll post pictures early tomorrow!
  8. Exotica

    Please help, dog injured baby chick..

    Please help. I'm hysterical and cannot think straight right now. My dog has been around my chicks before but always supervised. I've never left them alone but my Mother, who I've warned THOUSANDS of times to NOT LET MY DOG OUT - let him out because "I've seen them together when you're there...
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