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  1. Fillmore Farmer

    Ducks stopped going into the pond?

    The ducks and goose have been unfriendly since day one...they run from us and even when we catch one and hold it gently, it generally just runs away. We also had a small chick that fell into the pond as well but they continued using the pond after that. Another thought is that I have a water...
  2. Fillmore Farmer

    Ducks stopped going into the pond?

    So they saw the goat drown and that freaked them out to the point where they've given-up on water? It's crazy to think but it's the only explanation that fits. I may just need to find another duck so they can watch that duck enjoy the pond. Animals, huh!
  3. Fillmore Farmer

    Ducks stopped going into the pond?

    Alright, this may sound crazy but any help would be appreciated. Not long ago we bought some water fowl for our farm, we got a Toulouse goose, jumbo Peking duck and 3 Rhuen ducks, all babies. They were raised together and when they got big enough we put out a 4-foot plastic pool that they loved...
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