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  1. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    Well, she still sneezes everyday. She has been recovered from all other symptoms for a while now. The medications have not helped with her sneezing, i think she may have an allergy. She is also the only one not laying. I thought she had been sick with Infectious Bronchitis, but none of the...
  2. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    She is doing better, i think it will take another week for her to be better completely. Today they weren't really bothering her. I think it will be okay becasue she is getting better quickly. Thanks for that idea though, My aunt actually has a large dog pen, im sure she will let me use it if i...
  3. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    She just coughed a little bit of clear snot stuff up. Also, before it was only one hen that started pecking and chasing her, now they all do it, it seems like they do it for no reason. They still let her lay next to them sometimes, but they bully her whenever they feel like it. She often ends...
  4. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    Yeah, i ended up not doing it, because i couldn't find anything to bath her in, she was a lot bigger than i thought she was.
  5. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    Thanks everyone, I was really worried becasue so many things had happened. I feel much better now, she is doing better on the duramycin 10. She no longer makes that noise when breathing nor does she open her mouth to like she is gasping. She is walking around and foraging. Her feathers are...
  6. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    There's an egg!! Could being egg bound cause her behavior? I don't know which one laid it it probably wasn't her though because she's been in her carrier most the time i only noticed the egg after i let her out. Okay I found an egg binding article here, and i don't think she is egg bound, but...
  7. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    I finally got a friend come over to hold her while i looked in her mouth and throat. Unfortunately there was nothing in her windpipe, I was sure there was something blocking it and if i took it out she would be fine, but there was nothing in there! There must be something wrong with her lungs...
  8. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    I don't think she has that, but then when i looked down her throat i could only see her tranchea and not her windpipe becasue her togue is in the way i guess, so maybe its growing there?
  9. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    Never mind! The white stuff i saw is normal (i think). It is at the back/bottom of the tongue, and its like white spiky looking, all the others have it. I haven't seen them drink from the water, but it is a big possibility, my city has doves and pigeons that fly around everywhere, like everyone...
  10. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    She is still alive, she is a lot quieter which I don't think is a good thing. Tried to check her throat again, i think i saw a white spot. I can't keep her mouth open long enough or her still enough to get a good look.
  11. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    I started treating her with the Duramycin 10 (tetracycline) a couple of hours ago, i hope it helps. Do you know how long it should take to see results? I checked her throat and it looked pale pink, there was some saliva bubbles or what looked like saliva bubbles. She wasn't very cooperative even...
  12. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    Update, she is the same as before, she seemed fine and was eating a lot. Not making much noise, but she is back at it. I tried to put her back outside and she ran to be by herself and stayed hidden. I really think she might die
  13. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    There is this one hen who keeps chasing her away and biting her :( The others aren't bothering her. I think there is quite a few different things going on
  14. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    I think i took part of her nose off!!!! I just wiped gently with a Q tip!! the other side didn't fall off when i did it.......i thought it was a booger, but now she just looks like she has a much bigger nostril hole on the right side and the left side is much smaller. Awww no, i don't know what...
  15. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    I got it out, or at least some of it, she is still wheezing/making cat noise, but it is quieter and much less than before. Maybe she has another booger farther back in her nose?
  16. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    I brought her inside, she is in a dog carrier, in my storage room. Should i keep her in here, or put her back outside? It does look like her right nostril has yellow crust/booger. But, could one clogged nostril cause this? I tried warm water and peroxide on a Q tip to get the booger out and it...
  17. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    Ok thank you. I'm not sure if im going to yet, her mouth and throat are fine except its pale, one of the other hens is picking on her. She is eating and drinking. I hope she lives through whatever it is.
  18. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    Her mouth is clear, she was dewormed with valbazen last month, i never seen any worms in their poo, but decided to worm them to be safe. I think the cactus thorns have injured her mouth/throat. I thought the cactus was harmless, its been there many years, and only now Ive noticed it has thorns...
  19. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    I just touched the cactus and it has tiny 2-3mm long hair like thorns they are almost invisible . Maybe she has some in her mouth and throat... I'm going to remove the cactus I broke it and no white stuff came out. I also bought duramycin-10 tetracycline hydrochloride soluble powder I'm going to...
  20. Zinniah

    Chicken meowing softly, sneezing and wheezing.

    The pictures look nothing like the cactus the ate, you can see them laying by the cactus they ate in the video, it looks kinda like a cactus you could buy at the supermarket to eat.
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