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    SERIOUSLY! My house is a chicken ER right now.... Respiratory illness has hit us!

    Thanks for the reply!! I just didn't want to give them antibiotics if it is something that could be a virus, because antibiotics do no good against viruses, just their secondary infections and I'd rather not contribute to the antibiotic resistance issues that arise from over use of antibiotics...

    SERIOUSLY! My house is a chicken ER right now.... Respiratory illness has hit us!

    Here are pics of the two that are currently sick. I usually pick up and hold and touch all my birds every day so I am assuming I am the one that has spread this?? They are all so far apart!! Really not showing any symptoms other than their wheezing & gasping for breath

    SERIOUSLY! My house is a chicken ER right now.... Respiratory illness has hit us!

    Well, aside from my banty with the broken leg and her pen mate with some unknown leg issue (she was given to me with problems) AND my chicks I rescued yesterday with pasty butt, I now have 2, possibly 3 more with a respiratory problem, and one of them came out of a cage with 16 chicks in it. I...
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