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  1. daskhan

    Let's learn together

    Here's a picture
  2. daskhan

    Let's learn together

    And on another note yesterday when I was checking on my rir chicks I put with the rest of my rir I picked one up and noticed something strange it had little feather stubs like one or two little shoots of feather coming out of its feet.. Now I know daddy had same thing but I thought it was a...
  3. daskhan

    Let's learn together

    The new question of the day Question 3.) Nature vs nurture I have four young Rhode Island reds I'd still call chicks three were incubator hatched and one was hen hatched... The hen chick was about a week later but the three that were incubator hatched and brooder pen raised are about three times...
  4. daskhan

    Let's learn together

    Thank you for all your helpful hints I've decided to split the group up now instead of wait till spring so I'll build more then one of these or put the bigger brahmas in the much larger space that was reserved for the jersey giants
  5. daskhan

    Let's learn together

    I've read somewhere it said 10sq ft but I've also read much smaller if you let them out a lot which I plan to do in the winter at which point I'll be seperating for breeding this is a winter only question most people keep chickens in coops I figured less make an enclosed run so they arnt "cooped...
  6. daskhan

    Let's learn together

    Hello everyone I have questions pop up all the time some I have the answer to a lot I don't today I will be presenting two question neither of which I fully know the answer to so feel free to give answers or suggestions to Question 1.) I have a few odd balls one Easter egger on Araucana one...
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