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  1. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    DAYS WITHOUT A DEATH:3 and counting! I am getting very optimistic that the worst is behind. Thinking back over things I think that it was primarily coccidosis but then the weaker birds (those in the lower pecking order) were not allowed access to food as easily even though it was always...
  2. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    DAYS WITHOUT A DEATH: 2 Maybe it is my imagination, maybe it is wishful thinking,... I hope it is neither, but all of my babies actually look GOOD today. Their crops are nice and full, they seemed relaxed, and poop is going from running to soldish. I am really hoping that is was coccidosis...
  3. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    Thanks I you so much. Just ordered it. Also just talked over with my husband. He was going to build a third separate coop in the spring but said he will start on it this week instead. I just hope all this is not too late. I just went out and put out 2 additional feeders and a water. That's...
  4. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    I took a look and l think it sounds like a good idea. Do you just add to water? I agree there is not as much space as I had planned on. I can and will add perches outside. I will also add another food and water. My husband started building another coop about the same size today as a...
  5. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    Ty! I will right now.
  6. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    Run is about the same size. This was not the coop I planned on putting them in. This is what I use for breeding. Unfortunately the coop I had set up for them share a wire fence with my other 2 coops. The vet suggested I move them as far away as possible since they were sick and try to keep them...
  7. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    They are 9 weeks old. I really don't give them treats at this point. I don't know if they are LOSING weight, but I just felt like some of them felt really lite when I was picking them up. Some are definitely much heavier than the others. I currently have 19 out of 29 birds left. They are...
  8. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    So the fecal sample showed higher than normal coccidiosis but not so high they thought it would cause the number of deaths it has. The vet will not be available til Monday to see any of the birds so I was told to keep giving corid. The vet tech I spoke with said that it was most likely a...
  9. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    I have an appointment today to have a fecal sample tested. Unfortunately they cannot see any of the birds until Monday. The only thing to note is that some of the stool is very watery - still brownish but not solid at all. Also I was picking up and looking at a few of them... some of them...
  10. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    So I have been feeding medicated feed... Can they still get coccidiosis WITH medicated feed? Does that mean maybe I'm looking at something else? I need to go out and feed now. I just keep laying here in my bed not wanting to go for fear of what I am going to find. And at the same time want to...
  11. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    Thank you so much. It is really hard. I truly love these birds. I HATE that I have lost so many and now feel so helpless. I am almost afraid to even go outside and look for fear of find more dead. I'm so stressed. As for the treatment, the person I spoke with today said that she did not...
  12. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    So good news is that I was able to find the phone number to talk to someone at the state. Bad news is that is was 5 o'clock on a Friday and most people had left for the day. I was luckily able to talk to one of the pathologists and after some chatting she felt that she would treat for...
  13. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    How do I find out where to send it?
  14. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    I just found 3 more chicks dead!!! I thought I was in the clear. Everyone was in the outside coop, heat lamp off, temps over the past few days started out in the 60s over the weekend and gradually cooled to 35 today. It doesn't really even feel that cold. I found one dead in the coop and 2 dead...
  15. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    No I don't think the issue was too much heat. I have had chickens for 7 years, and it gets quite warm here during the summer. It is not unusual to have high 90s with high humidity. I know it was not anywhere near 90 in my brooder in the past few weeks when it was near 0 outside. The heat...
  16. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    GOOD NEWS!!!! I moved the girls (and one boy...,) out to the coop yesterday. I was so nervous. I have not been that nervous since I first got started. I kept wanting to jump out of bed all night to make sure no one was getting trampled. But my husband - stronger than I - made me wait. This...
  17. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    Feeling very nervous.... I just moved all 24 out to the empty coop. I normally use this coop for breeding do it is not as big as my others, but it is double size of the brooder. We are having a warm snap. It's in the 50s here today. Tomorrow is supposed to be the same with the rest of the week...
  18. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    I do have 3 in there but they are choosing to huddle on the ground with the light off. :( I know now that I probably caused this situation by leaving the light on. Like I said I've never done chicks this time of year before. I feel incredibly guilty. But setting that aside I now need to find a...
  19. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    They all look healthy. All eating,drinking, and pooping good. Don't even know how to fix it. This last little girl really think she got smashed at the bottom of the pile to keep warm. But how do you stop that? It's not like there was not enough room. At any given time they seem to all congregate...
  20. kuchchicks

    Chicks Dying

    Thank you for that. I sure hope that's the case cuz I just found another one dead just now. They are now 8 weeks old and fully feathered. Today was the first day I had the light completely off. This poor girl I found at the bottom of the pile where they were huddled to stay warm. So now I really...
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