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  1. tannysue88

    Have you ever seen an egg laid?

    Today we cleaned out the coop in the later afternoon, one of my Cukoo Maran's kept getting under foot. I picked her up and plopped her on the ground. A minute later my husband asked what was wrong with her. She was walking around oddly and her vent was oddly shaped and drippy. Then a second...
  2. tannysue88

    Have you ever seen an egg laid?

    I have 12 mature hens and 4 of them are Australorps. 3 out of those 4 sing THE LOUDEST egg song I have ever heard! It goes on and on after they lay their eggs! I have one Barred Rock that sings when she sees another egg in the box. I commonly sit in the coop and watch them lay! So many...
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