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    Chicken has egg shell stuck in vent

    She is 3 years old and has consistently laid large eggs almost daily except for the occasional shell-less egg and malaise as described above. I do give a calcium supplement regularly with their food, mostly for her. Her vent looked okay today. Have 4 other birds at this time. Pretty sure...
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    Chicken has egg shell stuck in vent

    I did not get it out, but nothing was protruding as it had been. Her mood was much better after bath. Coincidentally, she is losing her status as Top Hen and I noticed that she had been hen pecked to the point of injuries scabbing over. The previous day, did notice other hens pulling small...
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    Chicken has egg shell stuck in vent

    Seems much better after a good soak. Loves the hair dryer after I am forced to bathe her. : )
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    Chicken has egg shell stuck in vent

    I have the same situation today and was so relieved to see this post for possible solutions. Hoping it will work for her as she is really ailing. It appears that the shell may have calicified as it has what appears to be and edge. Please wish me luck on this oldest and only of my original chickens.
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