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  1. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    tossing this bator I hav,e and not hatching except under broodies in the spring until I get a better one results outta 14 were 4 clear, 1 early quitter, and 9 that died day 20-21 waited a few extra days as had a suprise temp drop to 95 instead of temp spikes this time
  2. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    don't see marking where the air cell was before marking but the go in a circle when pipping the darker one looks like it could have gotten into the air cell, my darker eggs all seem to hatch about there even under a broody. is the lighter egg still moving and working on zipping? it does look...
  3. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    who needs tv? I get plenty of drama and comedy from our flocks lol And only time they aren't fully clothed is when they are moulting lol
  4. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

  5. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    Well they made it to lock down with 2 questionable but still seeing movement, got one rolling it's egg around in the incubator like a race track, guess we know we got one rebel in the bunch the others move but are not acting like a spazz all over the place lol. crossing my fingers all goes well...
  6. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    mine always have a rebel or 2 in the hatch AmyLynn whether it be the chickens or the ducks, we had 5 rebel ducklings outta 10 hatch
  7. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    we weren't sure when the barred rock actually started sitting was Later than what we though lol, she is down to about a 5 minute break when heats at it's highest for the day.she walks around the whole quick trip looking like a cross between a ****** off turkey and a raptor, and kicks the crap...
  8. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    we have 2 weeks old swedish ducklings that are broody hatched and a couple outta the errant indian runne rwho was sold , one got an external pip and knew it was mal positioned, next time will just help, we were able to save the one that we saw the pip but not the other that we decided to wait...
  9. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    gonna save up here for a new one too my lg egg turner don't like blue swedish duck eggs and has the stupid digital contral that freaks out as soon as humidity goes up. haven't had time seems like to get mine built with stuff this year even though have the stuff, like that idea though money in...
  10. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    yep, they were gonners when I candled, next time even with it hot won't wait to do it. This leghorn wants to brood she's just not good at it think for her to successfully brood it'd going to take locking her in something and only letting her out a couple times during the day for a few then right...
  11. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    anything I should do where it's not gonna have the day or 2 it is usually checked before adding eggs?
  12. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    6 hours now we got a couple more hours before really starts cooling off as gets down to the 40-50 range at night, she's up on the perch now
  13. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    grrr, hen is off nest at day 17, still warm , should I grab the eggs and put them in the incubator?
  14. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    yeah was weird, but we got the females already laying and when they decided to brood they did it together and kicked the crap outta the poor drake, we intrioduced the 2 young hens and the drake, he got his seat end handed to him just for good measure then they let them all talk to the babies...
  15. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    well outta 2 broody blue swedish ducks we weren't sure when they started sitting had 10 hatch so far and 4 more eggs under them still we had 5 rebels that didn't wanna be in the nest with momma and the other babies, we lost 3 of those they actually made it into the kiddie pool while we were...
  16. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    well we will see when I get to post pics of the new hatches, not sure when they will hatch as was dead tired from trapping, but have 2 hens sitting on who knows how many eggs as my flock tends to help them out once one decides to sit but don't see but just an edge out on one under each hen plus...
  17. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    mine did well when I went and got a few that were 5-7 days younger she learned to socialize with them and when they were big enough to put in with the others they didnt seem to pick on here as she'd caught up and had her own set of friends equally numbered chicken math is gonna catch up to me...
  18. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    Last hatch spent 3 days working on one chick now she thinks she's a parrot wants to ride around on my shoulder, glad to hear she's coming along though
  19. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    Well fell asleep, she was working on getting around and drinking, and somebody unplugged the incubator with her in it, luckily wasn't to long got her warmed up and now with the other 3 picking on them so named her esperanza, poor little girl had a rough start but she's a fighter
  20. slordaz

    Hands on hatching and help

    yep had to get one in the bunch, but before stopping @ day 15 I was getting around 80-90% malpositioned the last live hatch is finally trying to get up and around now so keeping fingers crossed, she'll take a drink from syringe about every hour
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