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  1. saraiquimby1

    Whose Eggs Are They??

    I'm not understanding why the diet is bad. Everything I've read says scratch is fine in the winter. They dont get much of it and it's not affecting anyone but the EE pullets. The feed is an 18% protein layer feed, and it's about the only feed our RK offers for layers.
  2. saraiquimby1

    Whose Eggs Are They??

    No, we only ever got really pretty blue/green eggs from them. I have chalked it up to them being younger and it being winter. They are on regular layer feed just like everyone else. Scratch every once in a while in the winter (only ever 2 cups between 12 chickens).
  3. saraiquimby1

    Whose Eggs Are They??

    My chickens will all be 1 year old in March. I don't have great pictures of them..they are very flighty . The gray in the first picture and the black in the second.
  4. saraiquimby1

    Whose Eggs Are They??

    I have a flock of chickens that will all be a year old in March. They are all farm store chicks. I have 5 Buff Orpington, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Black Sex Link, 1 RIR, and 2 Easter Eggers. They are all protected by the finest Buff Orp Rooster around ;) Anyway, I am getting lots of eggs still...
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