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  1. hotmessJess

    Roo VS Hen Help

    This must be an unfortunate new development, because up until recently she was at the top, second to only one other hen. She's part of my first flock and she helped bring those roos up from chicks. I wish there was someway (other than processing) to get this to stop. But I know how this goes...
  2. hotmessJess

    Roo VS Hen Help

    I do have two I'm trying to decide between that would be better suited for my females. The roos (technically still cockerels themselves at about 6 months) are the offspring of cornish x, so they're already big for my girls to begin with. I do have one that is more pet status, though. I just...
  3. hotmessJess

    Roo VS Hen Help

    I've found that aprons are of limited use with an overzealous rooster, but they do keep the other hens from pecking at a sore bottom. And they're pretty darn cute!
  4. hotmessJess

    Roo VS Hen Help

    They're all free range and I have 6 hens. It's really only two roosters (I have a bunch of young cockerels that aren't going to be around long enough to be interested). I know that's still a high roo to hen ratio, but this is the first time I've had a problem and it's just the one hen. I don't...
  5. hotmessJess

    Roo VS Hen Help

    I came to ask a similar question! I have a black australorp who is brutalized by my roosters. They will fight each other while trying to mount her; they've torn her saddle feathers out. They don't do that with my other females. It's horrible to watch and she's constantly running off to hide...
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