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  1. machinfarm

    Teeny tiny chick. Is it a runt, a dwarf, or just adorable?

    Alright, so I was looking Chicken Little over and I noticed his tail feathers are coming in with a significant portion of black in them! My hens all have tiny dots of black on their longest tail feathers, almost like over spray from spray paint, not large black areas by any means and they didn't...
  2. machinfarm

    Teeny tiny chick. Is it a runt, a dwarf, or just adorable?

    I suppose it's possible, but this chick just looks different too. Its beak is really hawklike and he's not the same golden buff color the others are, he's just pale yellow. To be honest though, my oldest son has a chromosomal deletion and so maybe I look a little too hard at what could just be...
  3. machinfarm

    Teeny tiny chick. Is it a runt, a dwarf, or just adorable?

    Alright first of all your name, picture, and signature are PERFECT! Lol, I love it! He/she eats and drinks well and found it all as quickly as the others, so no noticeable difference there. Could be coincidence but everytime I go out to my garage where they are brooding, Chicken Little is in the...
  4. machinfarm

    Teeny tiny chick. Is it a runt, a dwarf, or just adorable?

    Just wanted to share some more pictures of Chicken Little. He'll be two weeks old on Sunday, still going strong and still smaller than all the others, as well as being less golden colored than all the others, and with a pointier, more hawk like beak. In any case, he's such a sweet heart and...
  5. machinfarm

    Teeny tiny chick. Is it a runt, a dwarf, or just adorable?

    I notice too that he's not as yellow or buff colored as the rest, he's very light yellow. if I did t get these eggs from my own backyard and from a fully enclosed coop and run, I'd imagine this was a different kind of chicken all together!
  6. machinfarm

    Teeny tiny chick. Is it a runt, a dwarf, or just adorable?

    I think you are probably right about that. As I said, I assisted him in hatching because he was shrink wrapped but maybe he was not going to hatch on his own anyway, that's the trouble with assisting I guess. But again he (I have no idea if it's a boy or not, but I have two sons so every baby is...
  7. machinfarm

    Teeny tiny chick. Is it a runt, a dwarf, or just adorable?

    Thanks! I just know that usually when something is different than the norm, there's a reason for it. I'm bracing myself that it might not make it but gosh I hope it does! My mom said we should use it to come up with a new breed called Machin Minis. Ha!
  8. machinfarm

    Teeny tiny chick. Is it a runt, a dwarf, or just adorable?

    Sure! I hope he thrives, my son is getting really attached.
  9. machinfarm

    Teeny tiny chick. Is it a runt, a dwarf, or just adorable?

    atched 15 chicks from my buff Orpington flock on Saturday, Feb 20th. One needed a rescue because I shrink wrapped him accidentally when my hygrometer started falsely reading 95% and I tried to get rid of some of the not-actually-high humidity (Lesson learned). The chick I saved was the last to...
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