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  1. Alexandra33

    Full House

    Mille Fleur d'Uccle is the full name of the breed. They're such marvelous birds! ~Alex
  2. Alexandra33

    Full House

    Hey Cherry, Joel and Shy Guy crowed today for the first time! Now for those other 4...... Oh no, I'm SO sorry! Were you able to dispose of the villain fox? ~Alex
  3. Alexandra33

    Full House

    I've got 9 boy-os! So far, only Jack, Piranha, and Cobra are crowing.....I wonder why? Although there aren't any of Jack doing his thing yet, I managed to capture Piranha and Cobra on video. ~Alex
  4. Alexandra33

    Full House

  5. Alexandra33

    Full House

    Good! You're welcome; I know it wasn't much advice, but I was glad to give what I could. Have fun with those chickies! Mine grew up too they're outside and going through that independent phase. ~Alex
  6. Alexandra33

    Full House

  7. Alexandra33

    Full House

    Another one of the boy-o! ~Alex
  8. Alexandra33

    Full House

    Here's the girl: As long as he's nice, we'll be letting the boy stay! He's so far really calm and sweet. ~Alex
  9. Alexandra33

    Full House

    Thank you! Cassie (one of our Spitzhaubens) has the same pretty spangles. I sure hope your Porcelain girl is looking better than mine; she's kind of blah. My boy is beautiful, though! He's got the cutest little blue bearded face. ~Alex
  10. Alexandra33

    Full House

    She's BEAUTIFUL! And yep, definitely a girlie! She looks so much like Avalon at that age.....Wait, actually this picture was taken when she was a bit older, but still, they look alike. ~Alex
  11. Alexandra33

    Full House

    That's so tough....I don't want to give you the wrong advice. Could you try turning off the light for just a little bit before you leave and see how they feel? My guess is that as long as the room they're in is warm, they'll be okay without a heat lamp. Hope everything goes well! ~Alex
  12. Alexandra33

    Full House

    Definitely! ~Alex
  13. Alexandra33

    Full House

    Thank you! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Faverolles, especially Ginger! You're right, it's an awesome breed. ~Alex
  14. Alexandra33

    Full House

    I'm so happy that they're turning out to be pullets! My babies are doing great! There's one I'm not too sure about, which would be one of the Rosecombs. But other than than, I'm pretty sure of what I have! I have a Phoenix cockerel, Porcelain d'Uccle cockerel, Wheaten Ameraucana cockerel...
  15. Alexandra33

    Full House

    I've been busy, too, so don't feel bad. Oh my goodness, I can't wait to see what you're coming up with! It sounds amazing! Not a good sign at that age.....the waddles are telltale features on some of my babies, too. ~Alex
  16. Alexandra33

    Full House

    So do I! They remind me of CLs, only slightly cuter. Were they the Neiderheiners (I have no clue how to spell it )? The Lemon Cuckoo pattern blows my mind, it's so beautiful. Have any updated pictures of Poppy/Popeye? ~Alex
  17. Alexandra33

    Full House

    Yeppers! We just picked up some from there a few weeks ago. Some of the cool breeds on MPC also come from Brinkhaven Acres, which is where my mom picked up her Isbars. ~Alex
  18. Alexandra33

    Full House

    With the risk of sounding redundant, I am so very, very sorry! Losing a pet you love is like saying goodbye to a family member, I know quite well. ~Alex
  19. Alexandra33

    Full House

    Most of MPC's birds come from Meyer, which is where we get almost all our chickens and ducks! Did you see the Cuckoo Bluebars? I want some so badly! ~Alex
  20. Alexandra33

    Full House

    Ha ha! My dad gets really stressed out over our huge flock, 'cause all he sees is $ signs. We also have WAAAAAYYYYY too many! ~Alex
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