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  1. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    Hello everyone I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you all I just have the time now to get on here. Cluck cluck I can't wait to see when you get them. :) I love love love your birds! They are so pretty! I sent you a pm. Heres some pictures of the birds. :) The blue Cochins aren't...
  2. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    Morning everyone! :frow Just popping in to say hello. How is everyone today? Those are some awesome breeds! Where did you get them from? :)
  3. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    Well everyone just want to tell you all we got to our hotel, I won't be very active until probably Monday but I will pop in maybe once a day to say high. :)
  4. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    Ohhh no! I'm so so sorry! :hit :hugs be sure to post pictures when they hatch! :) @Alexandra33 they are halarious!! My little chip sounds the same! :P Thanks so much. :) awesome congrats! Be sure to post tons of pictures! :) What breeds are you getting?
  5. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    Hey @Alexandra33, how many roosters do you have now? Are any trying to crow? :P I ask because the tiniest one our EE bantam is crowing he's just soooo funny! :P
  6. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    Well... How many chickens do you have? And what breeds are they? :)
  7. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    Well it's been a long time since we've talked on the thread, but maybe we can get it started again. :)
  8. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    Sure! Welcome aboard! :D
  9. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    Lol :gig
  10. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    Ohh their beautiful!! I think you have a deffinte pullet and deffinte cockerl. My pullet looks exactly like her. :)
  11. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    I'm pretty positive mines a girl. :bow Oh no I'm sorry. Maybe you could ask in the what breed or gender forum? What does yours look like? Will you keep the deffinte boy? The porcelain roosters are soooooo beautiful!
  12. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    Wow I love Avalon, she's so pretty! :love I love her chest it looks like she has black raindrops. Your right they do look alike.
  13. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    I agree with Alex. Ok so I finally got some updated pics. of Poppy! :) She's definitely a she. Here she is. I can't believe how big she already is! :ep
  14. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    Thank you. :) you can join if you'd like, this is a chat thread, but they have other forums for helping with differnt stuff. :)
  15. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    Hi BRnewbee. :welcome I hate to say this, but it looks like a male to me. Try posting this in the "What breed or gender is this?" forum. I'm sure you would get a lot more help over there. :)
  16. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    Haha! Yes they are! They are so cute, plus their personality is halarious! :lol:
  17. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    Aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww! I love all of them they are so pretty! I can't believe how big they already are! I don't have any recent photos of poppy, but I'll see if I can g t some soon. He/she is so big! They grow up to fast! :hit
  18. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    @Alexandra33 Okay, I think the crazy busy life is done... for now. Anyways we have cream (salmon Favorelle), Stella (porcelain d'Uccle) Snowie (white leghorn) and feather (EE) That are all defiant pullets. I'm real happy about those ones! Still no clue on poppy/popeye, now it has pinkish/redish...
  19. CherriesBrood

    Full House

    Sorry it took me so lo get to reply, I have been really busy. They are gorgeous, my breed concoction that I breed actually looks a lot like the lemon are super cool looking! So poppy/popeye has some redish small waddles now. Still not completely sure, it's really hard to tell, but I'm leaning...
  20. CherriesBrood

    Full House

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