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  1. Grandmas Coop

    Hen just stands in the corner kind of puffed up

    So I looked through and found some helpful things to read:
  2. Grandmas Coop

    Hen just stands in the corner kind of puffed up

    While I was cooking dinner she sat for a while instead of standing,
  3. Grandmas Coop

    Hen just stands in the corner kind of puffed up

    I let her have some electrolyte water while we went to town when we got back, she had pooed, it was diarrhea, the first pars was very green but the last part was creamy pale tint of green, So I think that is a good thing~~~~~I let her eat some chick starter, she had just a bit and I took it...
  4. Grandmas Coop

    Hen just stands in the corner kind of puffed up

    I said it felt empty,, I turned her upside down and squeezed out her crop , Foul smelling, brown liquid came out and I gave her ACV /water, she is some what better today but still working on it
  5. Grandmas Coop

    Hen just stands in the corner kind of puffed up Problem solved!!! Sour Crop,,,,, is basically a yeast infection. 1/ induce vomiting ,,, "The thing that I think helped my chicken get better both...
  6. Grandmas Coop

    Hen just stands in the corner kind of puffed up

    No lice or mites, I did put /rooster Booster Electrolytes in the water yesterday. When I let the chickens out this morning I watched her to see if she would eat like the others,,, didn't eat or drink,,,, I try to find her fresh poo
  7. Grandmas Coop

    Hen just stands in the corner kind of puffed up

    She is the puffed / fluffed one there?????? she sticks to herself, just wanders , ?? She just stands there , I picked her up and checked her abdomen and didn't feel a stuck egg, I saw her drink water, her crop feels empty I put a squirt of blue kote on her so I could tell her...
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