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  1. BY Bob

    Leghorns (help)

    My Daisy is our alpha hen. I can't tell you how any bird will integrate with your flock as I believe they are individuals. My flock is Daisy and 2 RIR mixes. Daisy was here when we integrated the 2 RIRS and she was good with them. Sorry I can't help more. I let mine out to free range in my...
  2. BY Bob

    Leghorns (help)

    They will eat a lot of stuff, I have learned. Leghorns love tomatoes so why not lasagna? And isn't cereal a grain?
  3. BY Bob

    Leghorns (help)

    We got our first leghorns at tractor supply. That's how we got started in this chicken business. My wife just had to have them. The chicks were too cute for her not to have some. I was against getting them because when I was a kid they were my responsibility on the farm. We raised them so...
  4. BY Bob

    Leghorns (help)

    I will add that their trust has to be earned. They don't just run up and jump in your lap. I had to work with her and teach her that I was her friend. Here are her predecessors Trisha and Elphie having some cheesecake. And here's Elphie on a hot summer day.
  5. BY Bob

    Leghorns (help)

    This is Daisy my white leghorn eating out of my hand and sitting in my lap. We got her just after she was feathered. When we first got her, She ran from me and was very flighty. After spending time with her, she now runs to the back door when she hears my voice in the house. She jumps in my...
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