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  1. B

     Chickens Not Gaining Weight

    UPDATE: I had three silkies die recently. Shipped them off to get necropsy because everything pointed to Marek's Virus. Thank the Lord that I finally got some results: COCCIDIOSIS- Eimeria Necatirx.Treatable with Amprolioum and preventable for future up bringing. So thankful. :) Wish I would...
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     Chickens Not Gaining Weight

    My hens are finally filling out. They are 4-5 months, not 6-9 months. They needed time to plump up! Things still are up and down but sending the next chicken off to another lab/different vet, this vet believes it is mareks. If that is true, there is no disinfectant to help spread the disease? I...
  3. B

     Chickens Not Gaining Weight

    Thank you for taking the time & for all that information. Can I buy the vaccines to give my birds for mareks? Weight wise I've just seen other people's laying hens & they look so healthy & plump. I desire mine to be happy plump hens too. If all this is mareks how long does it stay live? Does it...
  4. B

     Chickens Not Gaining Weight

    Please refer to this posting for symptoms & photos! Thank you
  5. B

     Chickens Not Gaining Weight

    Yes I agree there is something tremendously wrong & it's so frustrating Bc I can't figure it out & they just slowly decline! I'm in Texas, weather has been back & forth. Cold then hot then cold. Yes symptoms were very similar. But each did not have all symptoms just a few the others had. I will...
  6. B

     Chickens Not Gaining Weight

    6-9 months old. They are many breeds. I got them as babies, 2 days old from feed store. Bird that had necropsy did not have external symptoms. Symptoms start out with listless, not very active. Appetite decreases. Poop changes to runny &/or bright green poop. Ruffled feathers. Drawing neck back...
  7. B

     Chickens Not Gaining Weight

    My chickens seem to be unable to gain weight. When I lift them up their breast bone protrudes, no meat on either side. They are 4-9 months old. Many 8+ have died from something spreading in the flock or malnourishment. When they show symptoms of sickness they decrease their eating tremendously...
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